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Greetings, everyone!

As Michael has already mentioned, I am currently composing music for our super secret project, which is why I'm sharing last month's content a bit later. I apologize for the delay; we always aim to maintain transparency with you all. Therefore, I must inform you that October's music will also be delayed due to my ongoing work on the mentioned project.

I am thrilled that we have the opportunity to showcase Elise's music to all of you. Both Michael and I are avid fans of her work. So, I hope you enjoyed it as well and have found a place for her songs in your campaigns.

Now, here's our new four-song compilation!

To be honest, it's quite simple. Some of these ballads are reminiscent of pure medieval tavern performances, from the perspective of a bard or player. Many of you have asked for more of these, so here they are! My intention was to provide songs suitable for scenarios where you want to convey a brief narrative to your party or guide them toward a quest in a short time. They are rather subtle, with a dash of foreshadowing and definitely designed for emotional damage...Just kidding! They're intended for emotional investment!

So, my friends, as always, I hope you enjoy these tunes, and I can't wait for you to hear what we have in store for the foreseeable future!

Happy gaming! <3 



  • Maiden's Lament
  • Ranger's Oath
  • A Chivalrous Heart
  • Serenade for the King


  • MGS Audio\Music\Ballad


Sages+ patrons can download loop variations of each song from archive post below:

Ballads of the Night


Thanks for all your support!




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