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Greetings everyone!

Adventure Theme

Each month, for the Sage+(15$) patrons, we offer a thematic 30min track of music, as well as ~15 SFX and 5 to 10 ambiences to Guardian+(10$) patrons (including Sage).

We always have ideas, but we'd like to hear yours as well. Is there a theme that would require ambiences, music and SFX in your opinion ? Please feel free to comment!

dScryb update!

As you know, you can access 100% of MGS audio on dScryb. We took into account your feedback and we tremendously improved our search engine. It's now instant and available everywhere on the website.

We are also completely reworking the interface. The update should arrive in a month. A new update on the audio engine, allowing invidivual ambiences volumes and other features should also drop in the second or third quarter of 2023.

Don't forget that if you were a patron before the 1st of January, you get a free month! (Check your emails).

Website overhaul

I've not been counting my hours this past month, completely reworking our website. It's not done yet, but it will soon allow everyone to listen to ALL of our tracks and purchase individual licenses for all your professional projects. In the medium term, I'd like to connect Patreon and the website, allowing patrons to download the tracks there as well, possibly getting discount prices for albums, lifelong access to the tracks you had access to on Patreon if you stopped supporting us, etc. Basically, quality of life improvements.

If you have anything else to ask/request/propose, feel free!

Have a great day!

Michael & Team



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