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Hello Patrons!

Same as December, here are bonus, free SFX!

I have TTRPG content creators friends who told me I should do some upselling on them (kickstarter, bandcamp albums, etc), but I really prefer to give them for free as a thank you. The global economical context really sucks for TTRPG creators (and not only, for most people) and your support on Patreon simply saves us.

These SFX will be added to the Sonic Library, as usual.


119 SFX in total. It would take me 30 minutes to paste the list here due to formatting issues regarding Patreon. Instead, please check this link. It's rows 383 to 501.


MGS Audio\SFX\Basic\Weapons

Have fun!




Thomas Krømke

Got a idea for some sound effects. Different monsters in the Dungeon (with echo/room effect. Far away, distant away and close by. Single, small group and large group. Not specific monsters but huge, large, medium, small. 👍😀