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EDIT : I updated the .zip, I shared the wrong files. oopsie! Now it's all good.

Hello everyone!

This pack of ambiences was composed for a collaboration with Loot Tavern (Helyana's guide to Monsters), however, they are still a bit late on their project and need some extra time for the FoundryVTT integration and final pdf creation so I'm sharing a temporary PDF, which already looks awesome!

It was fun to work on, but incredibly hard. The "ooze patrol" sound alone took me six hours. I had to record myself moving furniture as I wasn't finding what I wanted in my library. Then I had to mix that with sounds of water, sounds of vegetables getting slaughtered (sorry vegans), and other atrocities.

The "Torchlit" version was specifically asked by Loot Tavern to fit their scenario.

(Also the "ooze patrol" is in the 'steps' folder as it makes more sense. Just imagine it has tiny legs. Cute!)


  • Automatized Ooze Laboratory
  • Torchlit Ooze Dungeon
  • Ooze Dungeon


  • Ooze Patrol
  • Ooze Explosion
  • Mud Elemental Patrol
  • Electric Ooze Spell


Ooze Dungeon.zip\Michael Ghelfi's Audio\SFX\Medieval\Steps

Ooze Dungeon.zip\Michael Ghelfi's Audio\SFX\Medieval\Spells

Ooze Dungeon.zip\Michael Ghelfi's Audio\SFX\Medieval\Monsters 

Ooze Dungeon.zip\Michael Ghelfi's Audio\Ambiences\Medieval\Ooze Dungeon



Rob Leonard

I especially love the Ooze Patrol and Mud Elemental Patrol SFX...both are fantastic! The Ooze Dungeon ambience is excellent too...lots of great elements to it, but I'm not sure I can tell any difference between it and the two alternates.


Thanks a lot Rob! I've been stupid again. It's corrected now, thanks. The export process for creating a loop is kinda messy (there's no easy way to do it), and from times to times I don't pay enough attention after a long day of work and I'm too much in a hurry to share the final result x)