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Hello Patrons!

Edit : I added the files. Oops :)

I picked one of the propositions that you wrote on the previous post and I made an ambiences pack with it, as well as a SFX!


  • SwampMinauros(Heavy)
  • SwampMinauros(Heavy,AcidRain)
  • SwampMinauros(Heavy,Fight)
  • SwampMinauros(Heavy,Insects)
  • SwampMinauros(Light)
  • SwampMinauros(Light,AcidRain)

The heavy version has ominous drones in the background. The Light versions can more easily be used in non-demonic regions.

The insects variation works really well with my "Hive" ambiences, from album N°4 or 5 (if I remember correctly).


  • Demons VS Adventurers Distant Fight

The SFX is a ~40 seconds sword fight between a few demons and adventurers of several races, which is definitely an original SFX. I thought it could be a good start for a story plot. The fight is somehow distant (~60 meters). It's not an high-fidelity audio track of a fight (looping it is a bad idea as I didn't include enough diversity in it to make it not repetitive enough), it's not its purpose. 

I made a "swamp Minauro" version with the sfx looped in the background in case you are unable to play SFXs due to technical limitations (such as if you are playing sounds on your phone, etc.)

What's next ?

As you can see, the content comes "late" this month (I always deliver though!), it's because I still have administrative stuff to manage and I had to work on a big collaboration that will be shared in a few days!

Also, I have been quite unlucky IRL. Some thieves stole my motorbike's license plate and I had to "waste" so many hours taking care of calling the authorities, getting a new license plate number, calling the insurance, etc... The kind of events that can ruin your schedule if it was already tight.

Anyway. For the next non-collaboration ambiences pack, I'll probably make a poll based on all of the ambiences (that are doable!) proposed here, so add your ideas ! (But please describe them. If you can't describe the sounds that we can find there, it means it's unlikely that I can create it).

Have a beautiful day!




Rob Leonard

Wow, these are awesome...and I like the variants for different scenarios. The background light music for the "heavy" versions is perfect. The sizzling sound from the acid rain is exactly what I was hearing in my mind. My favorites are the two acid rain versions, and the lightning/thunder sounds are done very nicely. Its very much what I envisioned...you hit the nail on the head. Thanks! :)