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Greetings Patrons!

Content of the month

This month is very busy on my side, with pretty big projects and the release of the new Modern ambience Vol.1 album (promotion, foundry module version, etc. this really takes days of work). That means, the content will arrive in the following days.

As usual, you don't have to worry. Many among you have been here for more than 6 months, and they know they always get what I promised, it's just unequally distributed within the month (but it's not important as you aren't pledging per week :P).

The Special Deal

Don't forget all the patrons who are pledging as Guardians (or more) before the 16th of this month will get my Modern Ambiences Vol. 1 album. Check that post to get more information.

The Heliana Kickstarter

I'll be working on the Heliana's Guide To Monster Hunting: A DnD 5e Supplement ! This hugely successful Kickstarter campaign will receive 11 exclusive ambiences made by me... and you will get them as well! I also negociated to make sure you will receive some scenarios or boss statsblocks (D&D 5e). The ambiences will be distributed within the next 6 months, and I'll do my best to compose additional / alternative ambiences for you!

Have a beautiful day/evening!




Rob Leonard

Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to what you have coming.