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Today I'm sharing another collaboration I made with The Goblin Explorer! We worked on a full dungeon level, he provided the map, I made 4 ambiences as well as 5 SFX.

The Goblin Explorer

“Grab a torch, prepare your sword, The Goblin Explorer will bring you inside the darkest recesses of the Endless Dungeon. Every Tuesday a new battlemap, going forever deeper, fully detailed and ready to play featuring also full FoundryVTT/E+ support and plenty of assets.”

The ambiences

I tried something special for this ambience. As a base, I used a harspichord that I tweaked a lot to make it sound eerie and dangerous. For the variations, I looked at the map and created ambiences that would fit for the rooms.

  • Count's Den - Fireplace
  • Count's Den - Main
  • Count's Den - Main (No Wind)
  • Count's Den - Main (Soft)


SFXs are always fun. For that pack, I created three "zombie" SFX and distributed two SFX I made for a friend. The zombie sounds are not the usual zombie attack, zombie death, etc... you can find anywhere. I tried to make some more original sounds.

As for the harspichord, a good use you could make is to create a riddle or puzzle based on a harspichord piece the characters should play correctly to solve!

  • Zombie - Patrolling
  • Zombie - Snarl
  • Zombie - Chained
  • Harpsichord Right
  • Harpischord Wrong

Voilà! Thank you everyone. I hope you'll have lots of fun using these sounds and exploring that dungeon. Tell me what you think about it :))

More content very soon. This month will be very generous!

All the best




Rob Leonard

I like the harpsichord samples. I hope you'll do more at some point...one of my favorite instruments.


Yes it's a lovely instrument. You mean more short SFX with harspichord, or simply using it more ?

Rob Leonard

On a related note regarding stringed instruments...the hammer dulcimer is probably my favorite, and is suited quite well for all kinds of fantasy/medieval scenes.