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Hello Guardians and other elite dungeon delvers!

Today I'm sharing a collaboration I made with The Gobelin Explorer! We worked on a full dungeon level, he provided the map, I made six ambiences.

The Goblin Explorer

“Grab a torch, prepare your sword, The Goblin Explorer will bring you inside the darkest recesses of the Endless Dungeon. Every Tuesday a new battlemap, going forever deeper, fully detailed and ready to play featuring also full FoundryVTT/E+ support and plenty of assets.”

The ambiences

Since it's for guardians+ tiers only, I spent a (huge) amount of time testing new things to bring you new experiences and feelings.

I've worked a lot with synthetizers this time, and it was a fantastic opportunity to learn new things that I'll use in the future. Beside that, I've spent some time mixing sounds together to create new tones, such as for the teleporter room. For the teleporter, I mixed the sounds of a Hot Air Balloon, some shards of glass and a voice. All *heavily* processed/modified. 

I didn't exactly follow his map, as the rooms he designed didn't have many sound-generating events/elements. I went a bit beyond, in case some of you want to replace new elements on the maps : I got you covered! :)

I hope you'll like our work!

Thanks for your support, have fun! <3



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