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Hello adventurers!

Here's a HUGE pack of ambiences for you, and you have to thank the great Miska for that, as he gave me these fantastic ideas with his maps.

Miska defines himself as :"[...] a big fan of space opera, cyberpunk, and high fantasy with a pinch of steampunk or science fantasy, and many of my maps reflect these preferences."

That's why it's always such a pleasure to collaborate with him. This is not the first time, and definitely not the last, especially since I'd like to create more Sci-fi content for you.

This pack contains 10 ambiences, following the maps (and more).

Guardian patrons have access to 5 additional ambiences as well, going beyond Miska's maps.

Deep Space Platform (Creaking)
Platform Over Lava (Creaking)
Underground Factory (Outside perspective)
Volcanic Factory
Windy Platform (Creaking)

Stay tuned for more collabs and content !





So good, once again! Especially enjoying the sci-fi ones (maybe the "Space Platform (Sci-Fi)" one is a little too quiet? Even with headphones I have to turn it aaaall the way up?) Anyway, hope you can have good holidays, despite everything! :)