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Chapter 210: Beaten Down

In the Talmah Mountains, a place of rocky terrain with sparse vegetation, there is a spot known as the "Place of Soul's Return," colloquially referred to as the "Ideal Place to Commit Suicide."

The reasons behind this nickname are twofold: one due to the mushrooms found on the mountain, and the other due to the toads that inhabit it.

This location also serves as the second stage of Luo's training.

After unlocking his Nen abilities, Luo tried using his domain, which originally had a radius of only twenty meters. Now, it can extend up to forty meters, and the ease of expansion and contraction has doubled, significantly increasing the margin for error.

If his domain is now at this level, he would dare to use it against Antomu, despite the inherent risks, because the quicker modulation allows for rapid adjustments during combat.

Not only has the range of his domain increased, but his control over it has also improved.

Before engaging in actual combat, Luo can't quite grasp the potential effects, which largely depend on the strength of his opponents.

Although he has only completed the first stage of training, Luo feels confident enough to face Antomu again.

Then, his confidence was put to the test in front of Bisky, only to be humbled.

Bisky had Luo try using Ren with full force, but he could only maintain it for an hour and a half, whereas Antomu could sustain it for three hours according to her estimates.

That day, Bisky took Luo and Sanbica Norton to a valley in the Talmah Mountains.

"Ten, Zetsu, Ren," she said, "these are the four fundamental techniques of Nen abilities. You have mastered all but Zetsu quite well, and among the applied techniques, you're only passing in Gyo and Ken."

Bisky stood with her hands on her hips, pointing out the Nen techniques that Luo had managed to grasp.

Luo stood before Bisky, listening obediently.

"Before we start the second stage of training..."

Suddenly, Bisky took off her white gloves and then her puffy skirt, revealing a white outfit underneath.

"Let's have a spar first."

The discarded skirt and gloves were collected by Sanbica, who then stepped aside.


Luo responded without hesitation, his fighting spirit surging. He had been eager to test the results of his rigorous half-year of training; sparring with Bisky was the best way to do it. If Bisky hadn't suggested it, he wouldn't have brought it up himself.

Now that Bisky proposed a spar even before the second stage of training had begun, it was exactly what Luo wanted.

"Very well."

Seeing Luo's spirited readiness, Bisky was quite pleased. She moved her right foot slightly forward, half-turned her body, and raised her hands in a staggered starting position.

"Aren't you going to transform?" Luo suddenly asked.

Bisky raised an eyebrow and said disdainfully, "Transform? You're not there yet."

In her loli form, Bisky's strength was roughly halved. Her refusal to transform implied that she could easily defeat Luo in this form.

Hearing Bisky's remark, Luo wasn't upset. This was the confidence Bisky should have, and although he was curious about Bisky's strength in her transformed state, he clearly wasn't qualified yet.

His knife was with Sanbica, and he didn't plan to use it in this fight; he mainly wanted to test the fruits of his training.

Luo slowly exhaled, his aura visibly gathering around his body, abundant and conspicuous.

"Bisky's Nen has indeed improved a lot since the tomb," Bisky noted, her eyes sparkling. Could it be that his power had increased rather than decreased during the six months of sealing?

As the surging aura stabilized into the shape of an elliptical egg, enveloping Luo's body.

"I'm coming!"

Luo shouted, his aura enveloping his body as he dashed forward, leaving a blur behind. He swung a punch toward Bisky's chin.

"Too obvious."

Bisky merely pressed down with her hands, making no other movement. Luo, stepping on the ground, spun on his heel, pulling back his punch and circling to Bisky's rear.

His charge was a feint; his real intention was to attack from behind.

However, Bisky had already sensed Luo's intent. As the uppercut approached, she simply adjusted her hands slightly, her body as stable as Mount Tai.

Luo, reaching behind Bisky, didn't hold back, raising his hand to deliver a full-force punch to her back.

Bisky's right hand, faster than his movement, reached back first, catching Luo's wrist and yanking it backward, attempting to disrupt his balance.

Despite this, Luo's leg strength, now enhanced, only caused him to step forward slightly.

At the same time, Bisky used the momentum

 from pulling Luo's hand to spin around, her left hand wrapped in aura, striking toward Luo's chest.

"If it's now, God's Hand..."

Luo's eyes narrowed, his left hand transforming into a palm to meet Bisky's incoming fist.

At that moment, his domain compressed to the size of a baseball, concentrated in his palm, enveloping Bisky's fist.

"Hmm? Resistance!"

As her fist entered the domain, Bisky felt a resistance, and her force was immediately reduced by thirty percent or more, allowing Luo to catch it steadily.

The moment their fists touched, a glint flashed in Luo's eyes.

Activate God's Hand!


Bisky's right hand, holding Luo's wrist, and her fist hitting Luo's left palm, the aura enveloping them disintegrated like bandages shredded by a propeller, transforming into numerous butterflies fluttering around.

Luo used the power of God's Hand to disperse the aura Bisky had gathered in her hands. The next move was hand-to-hand!

However, Bisky's reaction was incredibly fast; almost the moment the hand aura was dispersed, she swiftly kicked up a foot, landing it on Luo's abdomen.

From the position, angle, timing, and choice, her kick to Luo's groin would have been the most appropriate option.

In fact, Bisky's kick almost did hit Luo's groin.

Because her thought process was so rapid, kicking the groin would have been the highest priority in such a situation. Fortunately, with her extensive combat experience, she adjusted in time, striking his abdomen instead.

Hit by the kick, Luo opened his mouth and blood spurted out, his body flying backward like a bent shrimp.

At that moment, Bisky's offensive didn't stop. Knowing that the kick wouldn't be enough to incapacitate Luo, she pursued him as he flew backward.

In a critical moment, Luo still used his domain to increase resistance and weaken Bisky's kick. However, because he had dispersed the aura from Bisky's hands, redistributing some to his own hands, the defense in other areas was greatly reduced.

This kick was truly painful, but he managed to withstand it.

As he flew backward, he moved quickly, but after traveling three meters, his back seemed pushed by a force, gradually stopping before slowly descending to the ground.

Seeing this, Bisky's expression remained unchanged, aiming to reach the spot where Luo would land to finish him off.

"More resistance? And tricks..."

As Bisky moved quickly, she suddenly felt an invisible resistance against her body, like being underwater, though it was not a major hindrance.

At the same time, the path ahead suddenly cracked open, forming shallow pits half a meter deep.

"It's the same tactic used against Antomu, but it's become harder to predict."

Bisky, without even looking down, always managed to avoid the pits created by Luo's domain in the nick of time, quickly closing the distance.

Seeing that the domain was ineffective, Luo quickly contracted it.

At that moment, Bisky's speed suddenly increased, and under Luo's astonished gaze, she landed a punch on his side.

Before he could land, Luo was sent flying again, awkwardly collapsing to the ground.

"That's harsh...!"

Luo internally groaned, having been thoroughly beaten by Bisky.

At the same time, Bisky withdrew her fist. Through this practical battle, she gained a deeper understanding of the weaknesses and commendable aspects of Luo's Nen abilities.


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