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Chapter 202: Conditions Required for Body Conditioning

The Amarlo Jungle, rich in species, does not even have A-grade ingredients, indicating that A-grade ingredients are rare. Yet unexpectedly, some were found in a relic.

If B-grade ingredients are already considered delicacies, what about A-grade ingredients?

Luo was looking forward to the taste of crab claw meat and the benefits it could bring him.

However, he was currently very tired, with little energy left in his body, and in his current state, he couldn't even manage to handle the ingredients.

"Let's do it tomorrow."

Suppressing his burgeoning appetite, Luo dropped a word and headed towards his room, only wishing to lie down.

The black cat watched Luo enter the room, as if hearing the sound of shattering glass.

The next day.

Luo, who usually went to bed and rose early, was awoken by his stomach growling.

He had lain down as soon as he got back the day before and hadn't eaten all day. If it weren't for his stomach protesting, his mental and physical exhaustion might have let him sleep till noon.

Soft morning light filtered through the window onto the wooden floor, with a thin mist still lingering in the woods.

After taking a bath, Luo felt revitalized.

Stepping out of the cabin, he saw Biscuit Krueger doing her morning exercises.

By the lakeside, the thin mist was like a light gauze.

Biscuit Krueger wore a white close-fitting thin garment, probably the only thing left after taking off her puffy dress, consisting of short sleeves and shorts, decorated with white fabric flowers.

Her upper body was completely flat, her arms and legs slender, her golden hair done up, truly a delightfully cute little loli.

Luo sighed inwardly, knowing the truth can sometimes be cruel. As long as Biscuit Krueger showed her cute side, he couldn't help but think of her real face.

During her morning exercises, Biscuit Krueger noticed Luo but ignored him, continuing her routine, which any martial artist must maintain daily.

Luo watched for a while, found it quite boring, and turned back to prepare the crab claw meat.

High-grade ingredients generally have a certain period of freshness preservation, possibly due to the powerful life energy contained within them, but for other creatures, they are also a great temptation.

Having casually thrown the crab claw meat aside the previous night without much thought, Luo didn’t worry, thanks to the black cat's protection, not even an ant could get close to such a large piece of meat.

Seeing Luo finally set about preparing the crab claw meat eased the black cat's melancholy expression.

Luo realized the black cat was probably the same type as Buhara, both food lovers.

In fact, the black cat was born from his Nen, directly related to him, such as the food lover attribute, just a reflection of himself, including secrets like the Dark Continent, which merged into the black cat’s brain like data transfer.

Unaware of this, Luo ignored the black cat's eager gaze, picked up the crab claw meat, and walked into the kitchen.

The thick and hard spiky shell was unnecessary to keep, and ingredients like garlic, green onions, and ginger were easy to obtain, but making vermicelli was a cumbersome process, albeit expedited with the help of God's Hand.

The most important part was the homemade sauce. The flavor shouldn't be too strong, and in the steaming process, it couldn't overpower the main ingredients, merely complementing them like a side dish.

The crab claw meat brought by the black cat was large, too much for one meal, and Luo didn't want to cook it all at once by making a specific steamer. He could divide it into several meals and try other methods.

In an instant, various methods for preparing the crab claw meat flashed through Luo's mind. Steaming was his preferred method to try, another being marinating to enhance the flavor before deep frying.

The difference between the two methods was that steaming emphasized the natural flavor of the ingredients, while marinating and deep frying relied on the sauce.

"Look, I'm going to town for a bit."

Luo thought about what ingredients he needed to buy, then told the black cat before leaving the cabin.

The black cat watched Luo leave, looking pitifully as if longing for his return.

Babu Town was adjacent to the forest, which was known for its pristine natural environment. The forest provided many good things, and the local residents' crops were also of high quality.

Arriving at the market, Luo bought many ingredients, delaying over an hour before returning to the cabin.

When he returned, Biscuit Krueger was still doing her morning exercises. Seeing Luo with bags full of items, she was quite surprised but didn't ask much.

Sanbica had already gotten up and was browsing the web on her computer, seemingly the only thing she could do

, giving Luo the impression of a teenager addicted to the internet, but he knew she was working.

"I'm back."

Sanbica looked towards Luo as he entered, her eyes lighting up, one of the perks of being around Luo was getting to eat well every day.

That phrase, "I'm back," had a taste of greeting a husband.

"Are you hungry?"

Luo nodded slightly and headed towards the kitchen.

"Yeah," Sanbica responded obediently.

"Just wait a bit longer; this crab claw meat is A-grade!" Luo exclaimed with a smile.

Sanbica was very surprised to hear this, not expecting the casually discarded meat to be A-grade.

"This is my hunted ingredient, it has nothing to do with him," the black cat floated up, claiming ownership first.

Luo couldn't be bothered with it, walked into the kitchen to put down the ingredients, then returned to the living room with the large piece of crab claw meat.

At that moment, Sanbica and the black cat exchanged glances in tacit understanding, both anticipating the delicious meal to come, perhaps a joy of accompanying a Gourmet Hunter.

Making good use of the traits of God's Hand, Luo first prepared the vermicelli, then started processing the ingredients.

His speed in handling the ingredients was so fast it could make any chef feel as if facing a mountain; after preparing all the ingredients, within just ten minutes, he put the steamer on the stove.

Using the traits of Nen, he finely crushed some spices and then mixed them into the crab claw meat, a unique technique of Luo's.

Afterward, Luo started preparing the sauce needed for marinating.

As Babu Town was one of the famous scenic spots, it was close to nature and produced many specialty crops, including several spices Luo had not seen before.

To create his unique Luo-style sauce, he needed to taste each spice with his tongue to get a clear understanding of their properties before starting to make the sauce.

Not being familiar with the materials, even a skilled palate couldn't guarantee immediate success.

If he could make a good sauce, he could carry it with him to enhance the flavor of game when outside.

Seeing that the steamed crab was almost done, Luo temporarily gave up on the marinating sauce and simply made a sauce to drizzle on the steamed crab, primarily for flavor enhancement, so it didn't need to be too complex.

Soon, Luo turned off the heat and opened the steamer, and the hot steam billowed out.

Luo protected his hands with Nen, faced the steam, and directly took the steamed crab out of the steamer, sprinkled it with garnishes and the prepared sauce, and poured hot oil over it. Amid the sizzling sound, an enticing aroma spread throughout the cabin.

Inside the cabin, Sanbica and the black cat, as well as Biscuit Krueger outside doing her morning exercises, all smelled the aroma treated with hot oil.

Biscuit Krueger's morning exercise was almost over, and she walked into the cabin, just in time to see Luo serving the vermicelli steamed crab.

"Smells good," Biscuit Krueger said, looking at the fresh white crab meat, visually appetizing.

"Come and try the taste."

Luo placed the large plate of vermicelli steamed crab on the table.

Unable to wait, the black cat darted over like lightning, grabbed a large piece of crab claw meat, and stood on the table, eating happily.

Seeing this, Luo frowned; he saw the black cat as a domestic pet, and felt the order was reversed seeing the black cat eat first, but considering the black cat brought the crab claw meat, he didn't say anything.

Biscuit Krueger was very straightforward, came over, picked up chopsticks, and started eating a piece of crab claw meat.


After chewing and swallowing, she looked at Luo, a curious light flashing in her eyes.

The quality of the ingredient was very high, and the taste could compare to that of a top-tier Gourmet Hunter's cooking.

Moreover, the meat was rich in abundant life energy, which someone like her, who had trained her body to an extreme degree, could keenly feel.

The saying "poor scholars and rich warriors" also applied in the world of Hunters, as food rich in life energy aids in body conditioning.

Martial artists who often trained in deep mountains and old forests saw their physical strength increase faster than those training in dojos, also because of this.

"This kid, he's got the makings of a Gourmet Hunter," Biscuit Krueger silently thought.


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