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Chapter 165: Biscuit

Nen is a mysterious and intriguing power derived from human imagination and ability.

As the saying goes, every trade has its master.

Nen that emerges in alignment with one's profession is not uncommon.

Uncle Li is a Hacker Hunter who has been in the profession for over twenty years. He loves money but always acts cautiously, never using his professional abilities to illicitly acquire unrighteous wealth. Even if opportunities for theft arise, he patiently waits until the risks are nil.

He has dedicated his life to the path of hacking.

The means of a hacker, this is his Nen.

Ever since the advent of computers and the internet, he stepped into that field—from a vibrant youth to a prematurely balding middle-aged man, still single, having never been in a relationship—a pure singleton.

His first love was the computer, his lover, the internet.

Manifesting a laptop with a sophisticated internal structure isn’t something ordinary conjurers can achieve, but he did.

His Nen ability, 'The Hacker's Means,' can locate a target’s firewall after verifying certain conditions and then break through it to access relevant data. Afterwards, he may choose to either infiltrate or destroy.

Theoretically, once he successfully infiltrates a target, he could control it, but this involves the abilities of the Manipulator category.

If he were to develop and adjust this ability, the difficulty of breaking through firewalls and then invading would be daunting.

Luo is one of the partners their small group values, and Uncle Li's initial plan was just to break through Luo's firewall, clear up the corresponding physical data, and then implant a harmless Trojan Horse as one of the means to accelerate startup.

To perform the final step of infiltration and destruction, the target needs to be within a range of one kilometer. This is the network distance he can construct. Extending this distance and range would increase the difficulty of infiltration.

This is not an active restriction or vow but a passive one, highlighting the inherent limits of a Nen user's talents. To break these limits, one must engage in active restrictions and vows.

However, before attacking Luo, Uncle Li had never imagined that just locating Luo's firewall would be so difficult. If not for Ruby's 'Rhythm of Life' giving him some support, he might not have even found the location.

Even so, the explosion of the laptop after finding the location was a phenomenon he could not understand.

Why did this happen?

If forced to explain, it would be because the processor couldn't handle it and then exploded.

As a master of Nen, Uncle Li was shocked by this young man named Luo. What was so special about him?

If it were a target beyond his current abilities, that is, a target the processor couldn't handle, then 'The Hacker's Means' would directly indicate his helplessness, without even starting the process.

Because there was a possibility and opportunity for infiltration, because the CPU thought Luo was a manageable target, he was able to construct this process and thus achieve results.

The wind howled through the mountains, the only sound in the arena.

The three looked at each other in silence for a long time.

"What's next?"

After a long while, Ruby spoke hesitantly.

His restless heart was deeply shaken by what had just happened, too scared to be stirred again.

Uncle Li and Aya remained silent.

Noticing that Luo was often active around Mount Grul recently, they figured that Luo was also among the few who had access to certain information and was a Nen user, so they originally intended to recruit him into their group.

Currently, they have already recruited twenty people, with Luo being the twenty-first.

In this group of twenty, five are Nen users, while the remaining fifteen are just ordinary people with good physical condition and professional knowledge.

The larger the team, the higher the success rate of executing a task.

The entire team now counts twenty-three members, which is about enough to start taking action. However, they lack one crucial condition before they can raid Stajy's tomb.

That is… a Nen Exorcist.

They have not yet found a suitable Nen Exorcist, so the team remains poised to strike. Until they find a Nen Exorcist, they can only temporarily expand their team to increase the success rate of conquering Stajy's tomb.

Luo was just one of the people they were interested in, and they didn't necessarily need him to join.

But if Luo disagreed to cooperate and also refused to leave Mount Grul, they would resort to measures, quietly burying Luo under a tree at the foot of the mountain.

This was the original plan, but… Uncle Li failed, which actually wasn't much of a deal, mainly because the failure made them realize that Luo was extraordinary.

So, assuming Luo refuses to join tomorrow, do they still need to kill him?

This was why Ruby asked the question.

"Don't make a move if the situation is unclear, that's

 our principle of action," Uncle Li let out a long breath, stretched out his chubby hand, and wiped the sweat from his head and face.

Aya's index finger slightly bent, she put it in her mouth and gently bit it, speaking softly, "What's the deal with that kid? Uncle Li, your Nen has never had this issue, right?"

Uncle Li glanced at her, saying in a deep voice, "It's never happened before, this guy's quite strange."

"Anyway, if he doesn't agree to cooperate tomorrow, let's not provoke him," Ruby suggested.

Uncle Li and Aya nodded almost simultaneously.


Parlo City Ruins.

As spring was approaching, more and more tourists were visiting the site.

On this day, many couples queued at the entrance to the ruins, waiting to go inside and see the legendary statue of the god of love, where they could make beautiful wishes. Many were also there to fulfill vows.

Among the many queueing tourists, a blonde girl with twin ponytails was particularly conspicuous.

Firstly, she appeared to be about thirteen years old. Secondly, she was alone in the queue.

In a place where everyone else was part of a couple, only she was by herself, and not only that, she was an under-sixteen-year-old girl.

The couples in the queue glanced at the young girl and then looked away, while some stared at her for a long time.

She was dressed in a cute red dress, nearly 1.6 meters tall, with delicate features and wine-red eyes that shone with a soft gleam, like beautiful rubies.

If Luo were here, he would definitely recognize this cute 'loli,' because her appearance hadn't changed at all compared to ten years later, nor was it her original appearance and age.

Judging by time, this girl was actually over forty years old, and nearly two meters tall, a false loli and a master of the 'Heart Source Flow'!

Her name was Biscuit, and whether in physical techniques or Nen abilities, she was incredibly strong.

Ignoring the odd glances from those around her, Biscuit eagerly looked forward to the tourists ahead quickly finishing their visit. She wanted to take this opportunity to make a wish in front of the statue of the god of love.

Compared to the task Chairman Netero entrusted to her, many things were more important and took precedence.

Why she hadn't started on that task was simply because she didn't really care about it.

If it weren't for Chairman Netero's request…


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