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Chapter 178

Ling Chunann glanced at the constantly increasing messages in the private chat channel, then logged off the game and shut down the computer. Witnessing Ling Chunann going offline, A Little Flower, who had been persistently messaging in excitement, finally calmed down a bit. Then, growing more pleased with himself, he couldn't help but open the guild channel.

[Guild][A Little Flower]: Did you see the big shot? Your guild leader! Me! I'm awesome!

[Guild][XX]: Pfft!

[Guild][XXX]: Pfft, pfft!

[Guild][XX]: Pfft, pfft, pfft!


Meanwhile, the world channel also exploded.

[World][XXX]: Did anyone notice? That top-ranked loner, Meow Brother, just joined a guild, and it's the top righteous guild!

[World][XX]: Half City Rain? Nice, 666. But he's from Ming sect, even if he's top of the Divine Weapon List, can he really stir up much trouble?

[World][XXX]: Brother above must be new here, right? Remember the big PvP guild called The World is Vast? They tried to recruit this god and failed, declared war on him, and despite hundreds of players, they couldn't kill him. Instead, he took down dozens of their heads, tsk tsk.

"Jianghu Lu Yuan?" Yi Ning, looking at the messages flashing across the world, couldn't help but ask her guild mate hanging in their guild's voice chat room, Red Dust Swordsman, "Master, what's this Wu Ying about? Isn't Jianghu Lu Yuan the channel name of our guild's voice chat?"

However, her normally patient and gentle master seemed not to have heard her question, prompting her to call out again, "Master?"

Snapping out of his daze, Red Dust Swordsman replied, "Hmm? What did you just say?"

"Master, you're ignoring me, I'm upset now, wuwuwu," Yi Ning pretended to sob.

"No, Little Child, Master wasn't ignoring you, just thinking about something. How about I take you to farm accessories later, don't be mad, okay?"

"Host, the male lead is taking the female lead to farm accessories!" 098, accustomed to monitoring the dynamics of the male and female leads, quickly reported.

"Hmm," Ling Chunann responded, his gaze still fixed on the TV screen, "098, be quiet."

"..." When did the host start getting into TV shows? He used to hardly watch them.

"That's because the TV shows in the previous worlds were hard to watch, with poor plot and acting," Ling Chunann critiqued.

"Your acting is already great, host. No need to learn more," 098 complimented, hinting at focusing on the mission.

"Learning is like rowing upstream," Ling Chunann retorted, "But thanks for the compliment."


After leisurely watching the two newly updated episodes, Ling Chunann stretched, got up from the sofa, and logged into the game again, still on Shu Yiheng's account.

Noticing the overflowing messages in the private chat, Ling Chunann switched to the general chat tab, where the same pleas for relationship bonds swiftly scrolled past, interspersed with occasional system achievement notifications.

"Host, the male and female leads are now in the Qi Xiu sect's map, farming the Heroic Saltless Island. They've been at it over a dozen times without success," 098 added.


The female lead's game ID was Tongxin, sharing the same Qi Xiu profession as Feng Lan, popular in the guild with her loli figure and soft loli voice.

Unlike Feng Lan, who knew the male lead earlier and essentially raised him, his silence and refusal to voice chat meant the voice-controlled male lead wasn't as close to him. Despite knowing Feng Lan's feelings, the male lead kept him hanging.

Ling Chunann stealthily approached the Qi Xiu sect's secret entrance dock and concealed himself.

He hadn't checked the enemies list upon logging in earlier, only to find it full now, including Red Dust Swordsman. Ling Chunann decided to use him to practice his skills.

Red Dust Swordsman was getting irritable from the unsuccessful attempts and the news of Wu Ying joining an allied guild added to his frustration. Just stepping out of the instance and contemplating stopping the grind with Tongxin, he was hit by a red name alert, followed by a sudden drop in health. Before he could escape using light skills, his character let out a scream, and his health bar emptied.

Faced with the option to heal at camp, Red Dust Swordsman's hands trembled with anger. Despite being known for his prowess, he hadn't managed to use a single skill before dying.

[Private Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Who is it? Show yourself!

As expected, Red Dust Swordsman received no reply.


's wrong, Master?" Yi Ning asked upon seeing Red Dust Swordsman's grievous state right after leaving the instance.

"It's nothing. I was just flying around because you hadn't come out yet, ran out of stamina, and fell to my death," Red Dust Swordsman lied, unwilling to damage his image in his disciple's eyes by admitting he was quickly killed, even in instance gear.

"Ha, Master, you also have a day when you're killed by falling? I thought I was the only one," Yi Ning giggled.

Listening to the laughter through the headset, Red Dust Swordsman's mood improved. He clicked the option to heal on the spot, believing his designated healer would deter further attacks.

However, unbeknownst to Red Dust Swordsman, just as he was preparing to meditate and recover, he was attacked again, experiencing a familiar health plummet before lying dead on the bridge outside the instance again, even faster than before.

[Private Chat][Red Dust Swordsman]: Who are you? Why are you killing me? If there's a misunderstanding, let's talk it out. We're now in allied guilds, after all. We can discuss this calmly.

"Putting on a good front," Ling Chunann nodded, not bothering with the ongoing chatter. He made his escape before his invisibility wore off and swiftly flew away.

The one who had killed Red Dust Swordsman was, of course, Ling Chunann. The first round was a bit unfamiliar with the profession, leading to a mispressed skill, but he managed to recover in time. The second time, he was much more comfortable with the skill rotation, easily claiming Red Dust Swordsman's head.

These actions served as a bit of retribution for the original owner. The rest would be settled later.

098 was in awe of Ling Chunann, "Host, how did you do it?"

"Must be my natural talent," Ling Chunann replied seriously.

"..." The host was joking again. "Aren't you worried he'll call for a vendetta? He's the guild leader of a big guild."

Red Dust Swordsman, receiving no response, chose to return to camp, too embarrassed to call for reinforcements against a Ming sect member, not wanting to add to his shame.

But he couldn't swallow this affront quietly.

With that thought, Red Dust Swordsman messaged the leader of Half City Rain.

Ling Chunann, thinking there was nothing left to do, was about to log off when he received another message from A Little Flower, regarding the incident.

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: Big shot, what did you do? The guild leader next door says if you're still with us, they'll break the alliance [Crying][Crying]

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: Big shot, please see my message and reply [Helpless][Helpless]

[Private Chat] You quietly said to [A Little Flower]: If it causes trouble, just kick me out.

Immediately after Ling Chunann sent his message, the chat was flooded with responses from the other side.

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: Holy shit! Ten words! Big shot, this is the second thing you've said to me! And it's ten words! Hahaha, I'm so moved!

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: Big shot, I'm your die-hard fan! How could I kick you out? You're the mascot I finally got back. I'll go break the alliance with the guild next door right away!

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: But, big shot, can I ask you for a favor?

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: It's nothing big, just... ah, I'm a bit embarrassed to say [Pitiful][Pitiful]

Ling Chunann glanced at the message box, hesitated with his mouse on the logout option, but then returned to the game interface.

[Private Chat] You quietly said to [A Little Flower]: What is it?

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: It's just... if our guild gets into a guild war, could you come and stand guard? You don't even have to fight, just standing there would boost our morale!

[Private Chat] You quietly said to [A Little Flower]: Okay.

[Private Chat][A Little Flower]: Thank you, big shot! I'll go right now!

Ling Chunann could sense the other's excitement even through the screen. He closed the game with a smile, "This person is quite interesting."

"Who's interesting?" Shu Yiheng came in with a plate of neatly cut fruit, "Baby, come have some fruit."

Ling Chunann stared at the fruit plate for three seconds, then naturally shifted the topic, "It's the guild leader of the guild I joined for you. Why do you have so many enemies?"

Noticing Ling Chunann's expression, Shu Yiheng's eyes twinkled with amusement but he picked up the thread, "Some

 people wanted me to join their guild and I refused, so they put a bounty on me. Those enemies were added then."

"And then?" Ling Chunann was intrigued.

"I was young and impetuous, and also quite free, so I chased and killed members of their guild across the map. Eventually, their guild changed leaders and names. I saw there weren't many members left and got busy in real life, so I stopped pursuing it," Shu Yiheng explained. "Why, did they bother you?"

"No, just saw someone from your current allied guild on the enemy list," Ling Chunann said. "So I was curious."

"Hmm." Shu Yiheng nodded, then quickly fed Ling Chunann a piece of cantaloupe.

Caught off guard, Ling Chunann was "..."

098, watching the fun without fear of chaos, nearly passed out holding back laughter. Meat was fine, but every time the host ate fruit, it was like torture, simply hilarious.

Ling Chunann held the cantaloupe in his mouth for a while before gently biting it, his frown deepening. He glared at the man looking concernedly at him, grabbed his collar, pulled him close, and kissed him, mainly to pass the fruit into his mouth.

Shu Yiheng, not expecting Ling Chunann's sudden move, blushed deeply, swallowing the fruit in a daze.

Seeing the man's rare innocent reaction, Ling Chunann couldn't hold back a laugh, "Hahaha..."


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