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dr stone 3x22 yt


jonluke santillana

I really hope this is a long final season otherwise theyre gonna cut a lot. as long as my favorite moment in the series is done well I'll be happy


the animal your thinking of were cane toads I think, they were introduced to deal with cane flies which came over with the import of sugar cane and were eating all the sugar cane, the government were like "cane toads eat them in other places" so they introduced the toads but now nothing eats cane toads here and also they're very poisonous so they're everywhere now.


Does anyone know if they're doing another OVA? I don't see how they're going to cram the rest of the story into ~24 episodes without cutting out entire arcs.


This final season is gonna be cut into loads of parts I bet, cause its very long in comparison