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Don't share the  rewards in any place please.






I know right? 3 dollars is really cheap for quality content like this.. Cheapskates leaking this..

Densetsu Meru

マジかよ... 人はゴミです。


Sadly there's no way to control it and it honestly saddens me. There's really nothing that can be done about it, since there will always be people who share these things.




It's pretty annoying that people feel entitled to art. More so than other forms of digital media online. Just because you spank off to it doesn't mean it takes any less blood, sweat and work than anything else. Much love AYA


To get people who do this sorta thing on your side about this, maybe try taking it in your own hands. I've known people to share their works for free after X amount of time, and that helps keep those who would normally post the rewards they pay for asap down to a minimum. Look on the bright side, this gets your work out there more atleast currently. I mean, I had no idea about you or this AMAZING work you do until I saw it freely posted on a fapping website. So there are pros and cons to this sort of thing.


Really!? AYA is the futa GOD! He is also charging a very fair price for his works! Probably the best P. Creator I am supporting... Shame on you! 8C


Agree with what Futa-Milk said, AYA is already charging a very fair price when compare with many other creators. . For me, the charge is beyond the support to AYA's work, it is also the best way to show my respect to these masterpieces!! Support you always AYA!


It's sad but this is unstoppable. There will always be someone doing it. Like @FearTheDee suggested your only counter is to say that you'll eventually release your work for free after a time. That and you yourself post your art on all those sites, that way you'll earn publicity. It's sad but don't worry I'll continue to support you !! I'll even give you more than 3$ per work ! Just don't give up on continuing to produce your amazing work !


Unfortunately, it is stoppable. If this continues, Aya might be forced to shut down this Patreon because of the distribution of uncensored art.


And then what after the shutdown ? Will AYA stop making art ? No matter where or how he uploads his art onto the internet people will spread it. Even dojinshis get scanned and uploaded and these you have to buy physically, so how is spreading stuff on the internet stoppable ? Don't get me wrong, I really wish people would stop that but they wont unless AYA decides to tackle this matter by following other artists example. Anyhow I'll continue to support AYA as long as he/she feels the need to use patreon.


Pretty sure AYA is from China, so uncensored art shouldn't be a problem...


China ? uncensored ? are you series ? China is a free country but not a mosaic free country...............