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ive been thinking thru lately reward structure again it's been a while since i last really changed anything and a lot of how I do things have changed. 

Please let me know, specifically in terms of subscriber rewards (whatever tier you are) what you like or don't like. Is there some rewards you don't care about and never use, or some that you really want to keep? Do you have any suggestions?  

I'd love to hear at this stage, if I make any changes I'd really like them to be smth that u all value One of the major changes i'm consideirng is how the exclusive will work. Out of prelimnary interest, what sort of structure would you prefer for monthly exclusive pics (vote one one or more):

None! Who wants exclusives, anyway, dump the reward!

Standalone! Monthly standalone pics, not connected to each other at all. U vote on which idea you'd like to see each month

Series! The pics make various lil miniseries over the course of a few months. U vote on what each series will be, and how the squential pics will develop

Continual! The pics are all connected in some form and part of the same universe etc. Maybe lineart or anthology. U vote on what happens each month to the characters/events

Note that this isn't a vote for what it will change to, this isn't binding, I'm just trying to gather some feedback and interest and I'll be thinking about the new system over my break this week :)


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