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Hirukuma: Kikoyu, Kuroyata and Botan are from a different work of min called [I am a Peerless Field] @ http://ncode.syosetu.com/n5442cu/

It is not necessary to know this story from this novel to understand what’s going on. However, if you’re interested in the story, do take a look.

Gumihou: If anyone’s interested to know Kikoyu’s story, do let me know~~

The words that came out of her mouth were very unbelievable. [1] I speak this seriously as a person who had transmigrated into this other world as a vending machine.

“There was a field in a remote village cultivated by an old woman who lived alone when suddenly, the soul of a person came down and reside in her field. This person came from another world. However, as a field, they have no way of communicating and was tilled by the old woman every day.”

[1] Wait, what? What?

I am not sure which point I should address first. [1] What?

Isn’t having a soul inhabiting a field to crazy? No, wait, isn’t it similar to a soul inhabiting a vending machine? What’s with this world and people from Japan inhabiting non-sentient things?

Hold on, a Japanese person in this world? Transmigrating into this place under similar circumstances? I should pay attention to what she’s saying and not get lost in my own thoughts.

“One day, the old woman passed away and was left alone. Even so, the field managed to make friends. Kuroyata, Botan and Eshigu.”

Eshigu? Isn’t that a rabbit-like creature with ears like sharp blades? [1] Literal blades and not euphemistic good at hearing ‘sharp ears’. [1] Also, why is that last creature just Eshigu and not Wabbit or something?

Hold it, three creatures on a field? Isn’t that the whole plot of a play performed by a theatre group? Am I hearing the original story?

“The days with the animals were very peaceful. Then, one day, a young girl was being chased by humans for some reason and came across the field. The compassionate field pacified the pursuers and rescued the girl.”

In the play, a giant hand grew out from the field and fought with the pursuers… [1] in what way did it ‘pacify’ the humans? Anyway, I thought that such an absurd story must have been dreamt up by someone, but it turned out to be true?

“The field set out on a journey and saved even more people. Finally, it reached the Northern Defence City.”

My mind stuttered at this point. I simply cannot imagine a how a ‘field’ could go on a ‘journey’? Maybe it’s inappropriate for me as a vending machine to say this, but, isn’t this kind of story too over the top?

The play had depicted various people who came into contact with the field, but what happened after that?”

“Then, when a fierce battle against the Demon King’s army took place, Hata [2], that is, the field threw itself into the battle

"There, a fierce battle was being waged between the Demon King's army and the field joined the battle."

Even though it's just a field.

I tried to think of a way to move, but the field probably solidified the soil and moved around in a human-like form. If it's a high-performance golem, it could be capable of fighting too.

Having somehow repelled the attack, the defensive city obtained momentary peace. But, Hata advanced towards the Demon King's stronghold, saying that true peace would not come unless they somehow dealt with the Demon King's army. And after a fierce battle with the Demon King's army, just before losing consciousness and being deprived of her freedom, Hata managed to save her companions and closed her eyes.

If it were a normal hero instead of Hata, it might have become an inspiring story. But Hata was the protagonist. Judging from the fact that she referred to the clump of soil she possessed as the ‘Hata Fragment’, it was probably her and her companions who had been saved.

"Hata, who protected us... is in the Demon King's territory. There is a huge wall of soil blocking the only road from the defensive city that leads to the Demon King's territory, and we cannot go any further. We really want to meet Hata. Therefore, while everyone is gathering information, we remembered some information we were told by a certain member of the Demon King's army before."

Hata, Hata, Hata... it seems like Hata is about to undergo Gestalt collapse, but she was a beloved person by everyone.

Even though she was not human, the fact that she was so admired by her companions gave courage. I am also a non-human existence, so I have to learn from Hata and do my best.

"The left-arm general of the Demon King's army is targeting this dungeon. We have come this far relying on that information with a desperate hope."

So, a young child accompanied by two animals went into the dungeon, knowing the danger, and tried to make contact with the general of the King of the Netherworld's army.

"But, what were you planning to do if you met the King of the Netherworld?"

"I was thinking of asking if there is any way to enter the King of the Netherworld's territory. If possible, I want to settle it peacefully."

The moment she spoke those last words, her eyes became sharp.

In other words, if negotiations fail, they won't settle things peacefully.

"Then let me tell you what the King of the Netherworld is planning and what our current situation is."

Although Director Bear’s explanation has already been experienced, Kikoyu is listening intently. Kuroyata and Button also seem to be listening silently as if they understand the words.

"That's how it is."

"I see. The story seems to be understandable, but honestly, it's doubtful whether they will provide us with information if they were ordered to kill the dungeon's residents in exchange for telling us an escape route."

His speaking tone is quite calm, but Director Bear may easily brandish his claws depending on the response.

"I cannot accept that. If I did, Ms. Hata would get angry. Right, Kuroyata and Button?"

"Quack quacka!"


They nod their heads up and down vigorously in agreement. One cannot be sure if these two animals truly understand human language, but the heartwarming scene they create with the girls' statement makes one want to trust in it.

"Oh, it looks like the sweet potatoes are cooked. Um, Hakkon cannot eat them, right?"

"That's too bad."

The animals were enjoying raw sweet potatoes so much that I’m curious to try them, but there seems to be no way to eat them. Since she’s providing food, I offer to handle the drinks. After all, eating sweet potatoes makes one's mouth dry. What kind of drink is suitable for sweet potatoes? Tea would be a reasonable choice, but personally, I think milk goes well with them.

"Well then, please go ahead, Director."

"Thank you for the feast."

Director Bear, who receives the hot sweet potatoes, splits them into two, and the golden yellow and sticky juice spills out.

It's quite moist. Is that syrup? If so, then this sweet potato must be quite sweet. I remember the feeling of eating an Anno sweet potato before.

"Hmm, hofu hofuu, this is delicious! The texture is moist and the sweetness spreads throughout my mouth. It looks good, but the taste is completely different."

Ugh, if you listen to Director Bear's food report, you'll want to eat it too. I can imagine the taste of all the food and drinks in the vending machine because I've tasted them all before, but the reaction I get to unknown food is quite tough.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. But compared to Mr. Hatake's original vegetables, it's only a tenth... no, it's even worse."

"You're saying it's ten times better than this... If such food exists, I can understand the rumors of the legendary Hatake."

Director Bear may have seen the play, or maybe it's a well-known rumor in the Hunter Association, but it’s well known regardless.

But saying it's only a tenth is an exaggeration. Even if it had twice the taste of that, it wouldn't be surprising to have an addictive drug-like effect that would make Director Bear so surprised.

Oops, I was supposed to dispense some drinks. Japanese tea is not very popular in this world, so I'll just dispense some milk.

I dropped the milk into the dispenser and manipulated it with telekinesis, moving it in front of Director Bear and Kikoyu.

"Um, something is floating."

"That's the drink Hakkon made. It's also floating thanks to the telekinetic blessing."

Kikoyu, who was poking at the milk floating in the air with fear, breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed it.

"This is how you open the lid."

Director Bear seems to like bottled milk quite a bit, and he's good at opening them since he's had them many times before.

Kikoyu struggled a bit but managed to open it.

"Wow, it's cold and delicious! Hakkon can provide drinks too!"

"That's not all. He's a reliable man who can provide food and various other items."

Director Bear is praising me too much. Kikoyu is still holding the milk bottle and looking at me with shining eyes. She seems to be even more pleased than I imagined.

"Mr. Hatake could make anything with vegetables. Hakkon is similar, after all."

It looks like an innocent child's smile at first glance, but I don't think it's just my imagination that there's something lonely about it.

Oh, right. There was something I wanted to ask Kikoyu.

“A-nothe-r w-orl-d”



“Are you asking me if I also reincarnated into another world?”


“I received a report from Hyurumi that the soul inside Hakkon came from another world.”

Kikoyu's eyes sparkle as she looks at me, listening to Director Bear’s words.

I wonder what kind of reaction this is. She seems happy.

"Maybe it's the same hometown as Hata-san! She'll be so happy to know," Kikoyu says with a beaming smile, innocently happy. The cuteness of animals and young children is universally heartwarming.

"If I reunite with Hata-san, I'll come back here, would you like to meet her?"


I would even ask for that myself. If we are both Japanese, there is so much to talk about. If we both went through the strange reincarnation experience, we would have a lot to share.

"And one more thing, can I join you on the maze exploration? I've been wandering around the maze for a month, so about a third of the map is already filled. I may be powerless, but Kuroyata and Button can help. Can I ask you?"

Kikoyu bows her head energetically, and Kuroyata and Button next to her also bow their heads.

Neither I nor Director Bear had any intention of abandoning the girls, even if we would be a hindrance, but it is reassuring to have two more companions.

There was no reason to refuse them at this point.

[1] Added detail to raise the ‘tsukkomi’ impact. Tsukkomi could be thought of as dramatic comedic impact.

[2] The name here is 畑 which could be read at ‘Hata’ and could be used as a name. However, since we don’t use ‘field’ as a name here, the transition doesn’t translate. In the end, used from editing witchery to transition ‘field’ to ‘Hata’


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