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Author Kappa: I have included an art!

Ulysses: Conference between Four Southern Countries

Within the Southern Continent, there were three smaller countries adjacent to the Holy Nation of Ruskia.

They are the Kingdom of Orien (agriculture), the Kingdom of Gibraltar (Wine, flowers & art), and the Kingdom of Gliche (mining, their most valuable export being the Rhea Meida)

Long ago, these four countries were once part of the great Kingdom of Rubelkia. However, the large country was eventually fragmented by the royal family and broke up into smaller nations. The relationship between all four countries were generally good, with trade happening between all four.

However, in the wake of the Giant Soldier attack a few months back, these smaller countries have expressed some dissatisfaction with Ruskia. Specifically, our decision to partly open up the country.

[1] This meeting was to address this, as well as to introduce the plan for a country wide ‘Magic Circuit System’, an important technology from Fresir, an Eastern Continent power. The building of this Circuit System requires a special mineral called Rhea Meida, which is rarely found in Ruskia. Hence, it is imperative that we come to an agreement with Gliche, the mining nation. Gliche’s economy has been booming lately, the King of Gliche is quite a skilled man. The man had a great opinion of himself, making it a little tricky for Ruskia to negotiate with him.

The Kingdom of Orien is against the semi-opening of Ruskia, while the Kingdom of Gibraltar is in favor of it. As for Gliche, they believe that this was an excellent opportunity to do business. This conference is held to sound out everyone’s intention and see if we could reach a satisfactory cooperation. As expected, there are many things to discuss.

As the Supreme Magic Advisor, my task is to assist the king and my uncle, and my role here is to explain the magical structure of the Giant Soldiers as well as the Magical Circuit System that we wanted to introduce. This way, I get a first hand look at the reaction of each country’s representatives.

“The Magical Circuit System is a system that allows the registration of advance contracts, taking into consideration the restrictions of Spirit Magic. By making use of this System, chanting time would be shortened and activation time would be accelerated. It could also store a certain number of MP on itself through Magic Circles. MP stored inside these Magical Circuits could be stocked up or be sold to registered mages. However, [1] as we are still at the experimental stage, we still need to make some adjustments suited to the locality.”

“Hoo… that’s quite revolutionary.”

“Indeed. However, it must be said that these stored magic could only be used in specified locations. We are still working on that. The Magic Research Institute had been working on a prototype at the Holy Nation. A Magic Wave Tower is being built with a large Lacrima core powering it. To complete this Magical Circuit System, the use of Rhea Meida is essential to lay down the circuitry system.”

Recently, the rare metal Rhea Meida had been attracting a lot of attention due to its effects when it comes to the production of magic tools in the Southern Continent. Gliche happens to have a large mine of this rare mineral.

“In other words… you wish to buy Rhea Meida from us, yes?”

The Gliche King looks like he is trying to see how much he could squeeze out of this deal. With a card like Rhea Meida in his hand, he might even be able to gain an edge over Ruskia and Fresir.

“Not a bad idea, right? This is a deal that involves a lot of money. Fresir would also be involved.”

“... …”

The King of Gilche is a man with slicked, dark brown hair. He has a way of sitting on the ornate chair that calls to mind the air of a mafia boss, like the ones that appear in Hollywood movies. Even so, he gives the impression of being the contrary, slightly mischievous type.

As the talk continued, he maintained a smirk on his face.

The Orien King and Gibraltar Queen listen to the exchange between Ruskia and Gliche for a moment before interjecting.

“[2] While it is true that the sale of Rhea Meida would bring money in… But, Sir Raymond, don’t you think that it is too dangerous to supply such important material to another country? Moreover, you say that the Rhea Meida will be used to build this… Magic Circuit System in Holy, whatever protection it has will only be limited to Miradreed, yes? Would the Magic System be able to protect the entire country? What about us? We might seem like insignificant countries to you, are you planning to take as much as you can out of us and leaving us to die?” the Gliche King’s voice was low, but resounded strongly within the space.

“... …”

The atmosphere is so tense I feel like having a glass of wine.

“Of course, the safety of Orien, Gibraltar and Gilche is guaranteed by Ruskia as it has always been. You are the precious children of Ruskia, surely you could put a little trust in us?”

“Precious children, you say…” Gliche King’s voice was sarcastic as he laughed.

“[2] As for the Gliche King, your plan is to push the price of Rhea Meida to the highest possible height, is it not? At such an important time, you still stoop so low…” the Gibraltar Queen sticks out her thin chin, a feathered fan fluttered over her lips as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Gibraltar does not have any main exports aside from wine. However, it is a cultural hub that respects the arts and dignity. It had long settled itself as a dependent country to Ruskia for the sake of our protection. Therefore, it is in their best interest to maintain a good relationship with us.

“That said, once you open up the country, savages from the East will rush in here, won’t they? Hm? Orien’s crops are not meant to feed those kinds of people,” the fat Orien King with his glossy egg-like skin stated harshly. As a country with deep-rooted Anti-East ideals, they are completely against the opening of the country. “Don’t we already have the Green Curtain? It would be better to completely close up the entire country.”

“Well… I must ask the Orien King, have you heard what His Highness Ulysses said? The Green Curtain is in an incomplete state. What if these Giant Soldiers break through all the curtains? I, personally, dare not bet on its protection.”

“Well, that… that may be true, but…”

As the leaders of the countries glared at each other and tried to gain an upper hand over everyone, I can tell that Gliche is not the only one who is unhappy being a ‘protected country’ of Ruskia.

“... Proof! I want proof! King of Ruskia.”

“Proof.. what do you mean, by proof?”

“Sir Raymond, I’m not speaking to you,” Gliche King was staring at Ruskia King, sparing only a short moment to glare at my uncle.

“... what is it, King of Gliche…”

The King, who had mostly entrusted most of the kingship work to Sir Raymond as Steward of the Country, opened his mouth for the first time.

The Gliche King snorts once, then turns his hawk-like stare at me.

“His Highness the Fifth Prince Ulysses, I wish to welcome you as a groom for my daughter, what do you think? Not a bad deal, eh? Ruskia has never treated its princes right, except for the one who is made king. Despite how I look, I am a devoted husband to my wife and I have no sons… well?”

“... Wha….”

Hearing my name mentioned so suddenly makes me too flustered to say anything.

All the leaders of the countries are staring at me.

“W-what is this ridiculous… Gliche, you are coveting His Highness Ulysses' power, aren’t you? Th-this is why I hate negotiating with you!'' The Gilbraltar Queen appeared quite frustrated with the situation.

She grits her teeth, as though she had lost a race.

Then, quite casually, the Orien King says, “If that’s the case, my daughter…”

“No, as a proof of our friendship with Ruskia, he should be with the Princess of Gibraltar!”

[1] For some reason, the argument has devolved into which of their daughters would marry me. The direction of this conference appears to have completely derailed. I can imagine the next few days of talk would be more of the same.

I barely had the opportunity to say anything. The Kings and Queen are quarreling so intensely, I am surprised they haven’t started throwing chairs.

Anyway, since it was impossible to talk properly, the conference was closed.

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“... that was quite the ordeal…”

As soon as the meeting is over, I leave the meeting room with the documents in my hand. On the way back, I am so tired that I have to stop and lean against the glass window of the Royal Palace corridor.

“... aren’t you the popular man, Your Highness?”

“Honourable Uncle…”

I look to see my uncle popping up beside me, looking perfectly cheerful and fresh. Is this person a cyborg of some sort? I am as tired as a wrung out cloth, but he is still beaming.

“I’m still 17.”

“Old enough to think of marriage [3]~”

“Says my Honourable Uncle who has yet to marry even though he is already in his 30s.”


This person has a really meddlesome personality.

However, he also understands that as a prince of this country, there is a high chance that he would enter a political marriage. Especially now, when we need to develop connections with other countries.

“The Princess of Gilche is quite famous for her beauty. She’s one or two years younger than you, and she’s a pretty princess who doesn’t look like she was actually born of that scary old man… but personally, I don’t want you to leave the country.”

“I never thought of accepting an out of country marriage.”

“Still, Your Highness…

But still, Your Highness… I think it would be interesting if you were to succeed to the throne of Gilche. You really do have the qualities of a king.”

“... …”

I have no idea how serious Sir Raymond is being. However, I have other more important things to worry about, I cannot waste my time worrying about things like this.

“Well… Your Highness is at that age to have one or two lady friends. Naturally, I shall not say anything about it.”

“You already did. Also, what is this about having one or two lady friends? Having more than one is cheating.”

“Oh my, oh my, you always have two ladies with you, goodness, I supposed it is all my assumptions☆”

“And who exactly are these two ladies?!” somehow, I am baited by my uncle into raising my voice.

My much older uncle went ‘teehee☆’, stuck out his tongue and knocked his head with a fist, still grinning and said, “Young Lady Makia and the Shrine Maiden of the Holy Nation. The census seems to favour Young Lady Makia, there’s even a countdown to your marriage date or something in the gossip magazines.”

Well, considering what happened at the Ball, this is not surprising.

I dropped my head into my hands.

“Maki-chan is… it’s not like that. You can understand just by looking at us.”

“Ohh~~ What kind of relationship is it?”

“I wonder… an elder sister, a younger sister, a friend, a comrade… a family… She is… a dangerous ‘ticking bomb’, [4] the politically correct word is probably ‘flashy’. She is like a spiritual support for myself and Tooru.”

“... goodness, you seemed to have given it a lot of thought.”

“I have thought about it long and hard. No matter what she is to me, a lover is not one of them. She is… different.”

“I see~…”

My uncle is making some annoying sounds at me still wearing that grin on his face.

This crazy middle-aged uncle of mine. What annoyed me even more is that he did not even bother to ask me anything else after that.

Do you really believe me at all?

[1] Or are you just humouring a crazy nephew?

“Oh well… it takes all kinds…”

Just what is that ambiguous statement?

I swear, he is really getting on my nerves. If you have something to say, you should say it clearly or not say it at all.

Suddenly, he said something very ambiguous. He gets on my nerves, I feel like he should be more clear when saying anything at all.

“Ah, that’s right, Your Highness. There is something I wish to let you know. It’s about time the Holy Nation decides on a partner for the Green Shrine Maiden~”

“.... Eh?”

I have no idea what kind of face I am making now.

However, my uncle looked amused, which cannot be good.

And then, I remembered.

2000 years ago, I was chosen as the partner for the Green Shrine Maiden by the people of the Holy Nation.

[Gumihou: This is hard to translate…]

[1] Added details to make transition smoother.

[2] Adjust talk so that it’s more ‘royalty-ish’ instead of whiny. Seriously, why are you whiny? Even if you whine, whine like a royal, please.

[3] Kind of difficult to translate ‘ですよ’ or ‘desu yo’ as anything but ‘~’. I can’t let Sir Raymond end his dialogue with a ‘yo~’ like a sassy inner court maid.

[4] Unclear why author would use ‘ロマンチック’ or ‘romantic’ here. I think it’s not supposed to mean ‘romance’ but closer to ‘idealised’ or ‘politically correct’



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