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2022 Release Schedules 2022 Announcements! - October 1 - Hello my dear readers, As of today, we have a new Release Schedule! It's mostly because Gumi can't keep up with the Tondemo Skill editing... On the other hand, we are upping Divine Culinary Broadcaster uploads from 1 chapter to 2 chapters!



So the twice per week updates are now once a week because of the new story translations joining the patreon services now?


No, it became twice a week because the author started experimenting with things and made it extra difficult for me to translate... Once I get back into my groove, I'll try and continue with the 3 updates per week


Is the 40usd for 20 advanced chapters for tondemo now active?


No, no, not yet. I wish, but no. I mean, I do have the translation in my laptop but I'm unwilling to upload them until I've edited them.