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Gumihou: Ugh, this already difficult chapter took 2 days to edit, but then it was not saved? I had to redo it!!

Another unique western inspired Japanese recipe. Even then, it’s pretty rare. This one is more like an easy pie hack.

There was also a rather out of place interaction which Gumi later realized was created just to explain why Mukouda suddenly decided to make the Pirozhki Bread Pie recipe.

Anyway, made it more natural.

The first monster we encountered on the 32nd Floor was… a Stone Golem.

It came thumping towards us, but Sui insta-killed it at once.

The next thing that appeared was also a Golem, but a dull silver one.

“Hmm, an Iron Golem. They are quite hard and a bit troublesome to deal with.”

“”Hey, those are weak to heat, right? Take this!””


A powerful jet of Faux Dragon Breath shot out of Dora-chan’s mouth, enveloping the Iron Golem’s head. When the head melted away under the powerful onslaught, it fell forward with a loud crash.

“That works,” said Fer thoughtfully.

“”Dora-chan is amazing~~”” Sui said admiringly.

“”Ehehe, but of course!””

While my familiars were complimenting each other over their abilities to cause wanton destruction, I looked at the fallen Iron Golem.

It had disappeared, leaving something that looked like a dull silver mass and a grey pebble.

“”Hey, why are the Drops so miserable looking?”” Dora-chan was clearly dissatisfied with the ‘reward’.

“Hmm, it might look a bit sad, but it’s a higher level monster than the Stone Golem, right? So, the Drops should be something more valuable.” I said as I activated [Appraisal].

[Iron Golem Fragment]

A magic iron element. Magic iron from the Iron Golems fragments is more valuable than ordinary magic iron.

"Magic iron? Hey, didn't Siegwald-san from [Ark] had a Warhammer made from this stuff? He was really proud of it too. Moreover, dungeon magic iron is even more regular than the regular thing." I said encouragingly to Dora-chan. "Looks like your Iron Golem has great Drops."

““Really? Hah! I’m so awesome!! Sui, I’ll take out all the Iron Golems and you get the Stone Golems, yeah?””

“”Okay~!”” [5]

Naturally, I, Mukouda, am in charge of picking up the Drops. Since I really can’t deal with Golems at all.

Anyway, we reached the Boss Room quite soon.

There were not many Adventurers on this floor. While rushing through the corridors, we encountered a party fighting a couple of Golem. When Dora-chan and Sui destroyed the Golems with their insta-kill attacks, the Adventurers all dropped their jaws with shock.

There was no single most powerful boss creature in the Boss Room, just a lot of Stone and Iron Golems. Naturally, they were quickly wiped out by Sui and Dora-chan.

After collecting the Drops, we headed for the 33rd Floor.

Our first monster encounter on this floor was an Iron Golem.

Naturally, Dora-chan eliminated it quickly with his Faux Dragon Breath. One after another, more and more Iron Golems appeared. All of which were eliminated by Dora-chan.

Guooo--- guooo---

Faux Dragon Breath destroyed the Golems easily.

“”Mu, Sui want to fight too…””

Umu, Dora-chan has an advantage against the Iron Golems,” said Fer. “We can move faster this way.”

“Ahaha, Sui can fight more monsters on the next floor. So, don’t worry about it.”

“”Really? Okay~!””

With Dora-chan destroying any Iron Golems that crossed our path, we slowly, but steadily made our way across the 33rd Floor.

Finally, when there was only the Boss Room left, Dora-chan the solo contributor of this floor suddenly announced.

“”I’m hungry~””

I had to laugh at that slightly petulant telepathic message. Well, it’s only natural for him to be hungry after burning (literally) so much energy.

“”Sui is hungry too~””

Umu, I as well. Moreover, it is getting late. Let’s sleep first and proceed tomorrow.”

“Right, it’s best to be rested before challenging the Boss Room. Any safe area around, Fer?”

“This way.”

With Fer in the lead, we went to the nearest safe area.

Please read this at kitchennovel dot com ~

“Goodness, you guys are certainly troublesome sometimes…”

I muttered under my breath as I studied the [Net Super] screen.

When we arrived at the safe area, Fer suddenly announced, “I want freshly made food. There are no other Adventurers here so get to it.”

“… …”

While it is true that we were the only ones within the safe area, your way of asking for food is horrendous, you know?

Anyway, no amount of muttering is going to put food on the table, so let’s get started.

[10] “Make something different.”

“Wait, what now?” I was hoping to make a meat stir-fry of some sort but…

“”Yeah! We’ve been having a lot of rice lately, let’s have some bread instead!””

“Hey, didn’t I give you guys Bolognese Dog in buns last time?”

“”Oh yeah, that was good. Something else with bread then.””

“Fine, fine,” which was why I am now perusing [Net Super] for something inspiration…

“Oh? Sliced bread’s on sale today? That’s a nice coincidence. Wait, sliced bread… something different… Nice! Let’s make that!”

I came across this recipe back in Japan when I was researching the internet for ideas on how to use up large amounts of minced meat I had gotten from a sale. The Pirozhki Bread Pie, a variation of the actual Russian Pirozki Pie, was the answer.


It was something that’s delicious, easy to make and use up lots of minced meat and diced vegetables. I’m sure everyone will like it.

After purchasing a stack of sliced bread as well as other necessary ingredients. I took out my magic stove and started the prep work.

First, dice the onions and fry until translucent.


Then, add the minced meat. I used both Dungeon Pork and Beef since I like the robust flavour beef and the mellower texture of pork. I break up the meat as I fried it into crumbs before adding frozen cubed vegetables I had just bought off [Net Super]

For seasoning, I took my favourite shortcut and just crumble a consommé cube into the mixture before adjusting the flavour with salt and pepper. Once the meat was done cooking, I set it aside to cool.

Now for the interesting ‘pastry shell’ part of the recipe.

First, cut off the crust and then flatten the white square with a rolling pin. Next put a good amount of fillings in the centre, leaving just 1cm of space to seal the mixture in. I like to use a slurry made from flour and water as sealant.

After lining up all my Pirozhki Bread Pies on a tray, I brushed them with a bit of salad oil and slide them into the oven to be grilled.

While the first batch was grilling, I got started on the second batch. Hmm, next time, I could put ketchup of curry powder into the fillings or spread Dijon mustard on the bread first, or-


“O- oi! Isn’t it done yet?”

“”Ah~ there’s nothing like the smell of bread~””

“”It smells delicious~~””

“Give it another two minutes,” I said. The smell of toasting bread and meat is pretty amazing, no wonder they’re impatient.

Soon, the oven dinged.

When I opened the oven door, the smell seemed to rush over my face.

“Can we eat now?”

“”Can we eat now?””

“”Eat now~?””

“Hold, on,” I said as I put on oven gloves and slid the tray out. I was just putting the hot tray of Pirozhki Bread Pies on the stove when a group of people suddenly rushed into the safe area.

“Go! Go! Go!”


I froze in place.

Being highly alert people, the Adventurers who had just rushed me turned their highly focussed attention on the abnormality in the safe area. Namely a weird guy holding onto a hot tray of food next to a magic stove.

I really can’t fault them when their mouths collectively dropped open in shock.

[Gumihou: I had to edit this twice. Well, the second edit appears to be even better, so. Yay?]

[1] Structural Change: Combine 2 paragraphs

[2] Structural Change: Combine 3 paragraphs

[3] Structural Change: Combine paragraph & dialogue

[4] Structural Change: Change passive sentence to dialogue

[5] Delete Repetitive or Pointless Information… starting to delete pointless scenes now

[6] Additional Information for Aesthetic Purpose

[7] Add Dialogue Tag

[8] Creative Licence Taken

[9] It’s hand pie made with bread, lol. Instead of dough, the recipe flattens out shokupan or sliced bread, covered the edges with egg wash to make it stick and folded over meat fillings and fried.

The ‘Pirozhki’ or ‘Piroshki’ is Russian for ‘Meat Hand Pie’

So, technically, 食パンでピロシキ means ‘Sliced Bread Hand Pie’


[10] A lot of information stacked on top of each other, split it up into something more natural yet still conveys information.

[11] Added details to lengthen the moment from ‘giving info’ to ‘uh, like, wut?’


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