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Volume 1: Chapter 012: Lord Odelle: Tooru is Just Too Cute

Author: かっぱ同盟/友麻碧


Translated by Zzonkedd

Edited by Gumihou and Pill Bug

I’m Elric Odelle

Also, the Count of Odelle.

Well, I am in a bit of a fix. The Duke of Beigrates, whom I have a good relationship with, has offered to buy Tooru from us. I doubted my ears at first but it seems like the young lady liked Tooru so much that she asked the Duke to buy him from us.

However, such an offer should be declined immediately, of course. To make sure that the other party knows that we are serious about not wanting to make a deal.

[2] Personally, I thought it was just a formal application to buy just so that the Duke could show his daughter a letter of rejection but… a few days later, [3] I received yet another request. This time, the Duke of Beigrates wanted to coma and speak with me in person.

“Oh, what a mess…”

Of course, I will decline.

Makia took a great liking to Tooru, and they went everywhere together.

[2] Unlike those little girls with whom she had to behave so fakely, Makia was much more genuine around Tooru. Makia would be the most troubled if Tooru was to go away. It would make her very sad.

Even so, it goes to show that I was right to bring the boy back. Tooru is now a proper young man. [3] While there are some busybodies saying all kinds of things about his background, I firmly believe he’s a great find.

Not only is he a fast learner, he’s even more diligent than Makia. He sometimes play chess with me but we have reached the point where I can’t beat him anymore.

His swordsmanship and riding skills are also great, and he’s becoming stronger by the day. He is no longer that skinny little boy I first met, so long ago. He’s undergone proper training and is now a very respectable looking young man. Naturally, rumours about me bringing a strange young boy into the Delia Fields were plenty, especially those sneering at my ‘strange tastes’. However, those rumours eventually became just that, baseless rumours. That’s because this young man is just too excellent.

I’m quite certain that with Makia and Tooru together, the future of the Odelle family is set for life. Delia Fields will become a much better place in their hands.

If possible, I want those two to get together. Of course, it all depends on them. However, I would like to hand over the family title to Tooru. Normally, in similar cases, the second son of some well-known family would be adopted to take the family name but I do believe that this is the best choice. I am quite prepared to deal with what other people might say about this too.

Therefore, just what is the Duke of Beigrates thinking by asking to [2] purchase my future son-in-law away?

I’m sure he has never even seen Tooru before, was he being pestered by that daughter of his?

I called Tooru to my office. It turns out he had been practicing with his sword with Makia was ‘supervising’ him.

“What is it, my lord?”

“I have something to speak to you about. To tell the truth, the Duke of Beigrates says he would like to hire you. Perhaps even purchase you from us.”

“... Ugh”

He seems to be disgusted by this. More importantly, he did not look at all surprised.

“You know about this?”

“Yes, well, I had been asked by the young lady to go to their side. I thought it was a joke at first and laughed while I declined it… I had not thought she was being serious.”

He sighed and lowered his head.

“I’m very sorry, my lord. I must have caused you trouble…”

“No, it’s not your fault… In fact, this is quite an opportunity for you. The Beigrates are a well-known family with deep connections with the royal family. They would be able to give you opportunities and rewards that we, as a rural aristocrat, cannot offer. If you wish to go, I will not stop you… what do you think?”

To tell the truth, I was a bit nervous when I said this.

It’s no exaggeration to say that I think of Tooru as my own cute son. If he were to suddenly say that he wants to leave, I would huddle in my bed and cry for a whole week.

Tooru spent some time thinking. [1] Suddenly, he gave me that same impish smile he had back when he was a young boy.

“I have no thoughts of advancing my career. The Beigrates family doesn’t have anything I’m looking for…”

“Ohh, what exactly are you looking for?”

I was pretending to be calm, but I was relieved when Tooru gave me an honest answer.

“What I’m looking for is… The same thing as Makia-sama is looking for. I want to go where Makia-sama goes, and that’s it.  I’m sure that she thinks the same way… But now, I’m that girl’s… I mean, Makia-sama’s property”

He’s trying to correct himself after calling my daughter by ‘that girl’ right in front of me. That’s just so cute. Good, really good, [2] nicknames and casual terms of speaking are proof of friendship!!


“Is that so… if that’s the case, I shall prepare myself as well. I am not ready to let you go either, no matter what happens. Not that I have any intention from the start. I really don’t know what I’d do if you said you wish to leave.”

“Haha, I was a little scared since my lord looked so serious when you called me in. I thought I was about to be fired or something… Nevertheless, I am very grateful to my lord. After all, it is thanks to my lord who brought me here and…”

Oh my, I seemed to have heard something quite rare.

I was a little surprised to see this expression on his face. He seems… a little shy and about to cry?

“Even so, Tooru. It’s quite tough to be so popular with the ladies, eh?”

“... Well, especially when they are all little girls…”

“What was that?”

“Ah, nothing, nothing,”

I ruffled his bangs as he turned his eyes away, feeling oddly daring as I messed up his hair.

He always did have this laid back and grown-up attitude even back when I first met him. Still, he’s a 14-year-old boy after all. [3] I must commend the me from four years ago.

Good job, me, for trusting my intuition and bringing this boy back. I’m sure, I’ll be even gladder for my decision back then.

[Gumihou: Haha, dad is so cute]

[1] Filling in the ‘Unspoken’. Often, when it comes to Japanese novels, the translation might be a bit lacking since the author deliberately choose to use less words and let the reader fill in the blanks through a preset cultural understanding.

If the missing info looks too sparse, Gumi will fill in some of the blanks. This is not to imply that the writer’s craft is lacking, but we do have a cultural gap. Gumi will try to fill in these gaps unobtrusively.

[2] Adjust paragraphs, for aesthetic purpose

[3] Connect short paragraphs to make one reasonable paragraphs


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