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In order to make Halloween release, the Phanto video is going to have an Eevee rendered version out for tomorrow, then a remastered, Cycles render later during the week. The video is just under a minute, so it'd take at least half a day just to render— and I have class tomorrow... 😟

So later during the week you'll see the beautiful sexy Cycles version, along with some cool alts 😉that'll drop a couple days after that...  The Resident Evil video will drop around that time as well.🤤

There's a lot of partially done videos that got shafted, messy or overworked (scope creep is REAL), so I'm going to trim things, and get back to them. I appreciate the patience, I know things haven't been the most organized. Not gonna to get too personal, but this really hasn't been my year.

Unless it's super super super short, I'm not tackling anything new— just focusing on getting my backlog completed. (princesses self suck, wendy & rosa sloppy, rosa & piranhas, feeding time, etc)

I've also been getting a lot of questions about Royal Rendezvous 2: Electric Boogaloo—
yeah, that'll be next year 😅😅😅

Thanks and take care!




Where is new stuff, yo??


when do u think a model release will come?