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Suia Loctis

I want that piranha cum so badly


Goddam! That's a lot of cum! lol


she got fucked to death.


Not gonna lie, going off that preview I almost thought this animation was going into gore/death fetish territory. I'm so glad I was wrong. Her wind-up key just exploded. Nice animation!

Ren Valaria

i see where your coming from and i was a bit scared too ' but thinking about it when has a bomb in the Mario universe exploded and never been fine XD i legit though a type of shell shedding was happening at most , don't scare us Wyer

Ren Valaria

also it always sad when the balls don't clench up to show the intensity of the cumming

Ren Valaria

A idea for next time , "Juice that makes you cum insanely hard"


wyerframeZ is definitely my new favorite nsfw creator.

Benji Fox

Now that's some good stuff! X3