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Catching up on two rewards that I didn't have the right head space for last year. So I am catching up with them and present Megan Fox 1000lbs and Penelope Ford of Wrestling AEW ( Im pretty sure) at 600lbs and with the addition of being pregannt.

I wanted to show how slobby and messy Megan was now in her mobility scooter and since Expendables 4 was the last thing she was in it felt funny for her to try and bulk up but take it too far. 

For Penelope Ford, I wanted to show her presenting her arms wide but holding some burgers to show how confident she is in her eating habits and how its effected her size. Especially with the surprise she is eating for 2. Since a few fans and patrons are wondering if I can combine some more weight gain art with pregnancy.

1000lbs Keira Knightly next up!
