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A continuation of the Elizabeth Olsen and Aubrey Plaza at 1000lbs post from last week. I was enticed by this gif I found of Elizabeth dropping her face into a big bowl of spaghetti and being super cute and messy at the same time. That's the way I love it!

So I set up my 3d model and with the gif in front of me for reference eyeballed the likeness of her. I added in the couch later to give her more of a scene. There's me forgetting about composition for what was supposed to be a waist up bust of Olsen Became a full body glorification of her gluttonous body. I was really eager to draw all the spaghetti strands and messy sauce everywhere handing from her hands and stuck in her folds of fat.

I love the big grin she has, the tilt of her head and eyes looking at her feeder. Only thing is...she isn't big enough. Not yet! She needs a few thousand pounds of fat from the result of her stuffing sessions to sit off her body. Trapped within it more like and still grinning and happy to please her feeder. I have her weighing 2800lbs range because if you see in the early sketch she doesn't have as big an underbelly and fupa propping up her main mass of belly.  

I wanted her face to be really obese which is something I wanted to improve on in my skill tree of drawing hyper immobile women. I wanted her head to fully lodged in a wedge of fat roll around her neck and merging with her enormous jowls. And here eyes to appear beady and recessed deep into an unhealthy view. But still always maintaining her likeness. Which is a strange and challenging balancing act.

Which is currently packed full of food. Maybe 200lbs worth of chow I reckon. I love the idea of my waifu's eating so much that it distends their enormous stomachs and threatens to come up but they keep eating more and more.

Do you think I got her likeness in this sketch piece?

Why do you love Elizabeth Olsen so much? Let us know in the comments.

Reading your reactions always keeps me focused and excited to continue pushing the limits.



Matt Ries

"Spaghetti? I know what this appetizer means. You need me satiated just long enough for whatever meal for 20 you've arranged to get here. Well let's get messy!"