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This arc in Ashoka would actually make me want to watch it. 

I think Mary Elizabeth Winstead looks great as the character even though I haven't seen anthing Star Wars related in a good few years now. She has the cute face and the colors of green skin with yellow pants containing that thicc butt of hers. If only they did something with Twi'lek culture and wanting to powerful and obese and having a food addiction.

I have no idea what kind of alien fish that is she is eating but was inspired by Jabba from Return of the Jedi when he is eating all these creatures. I like the idea of her devouring all these crazy exotic foods in a ravenous insatiable way to fill up her stomachs even more.

I am quite tempted to do a full body version with a more extreme size for this piece. 

But I'm gonna have to hear your best Star Wars quote in the comments.
