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By now I am sure we all know who Madz is Stacked is these days. She wears prosthetic fake breasts, bellies and such and is able to blend them effortlessly into entertaining photos and videos. Its become a bit of a trend on twitter amongst other creators like her. Pretty amazing one no longer has to have enormous real or enhanced boobs but can put them on and take them off like clothes. 

Its a very interesting way to get poses for sketching though and for the month of April I want to do alot of sketching. I want to improve my abilities in style, anatomy, form and character and really push myself in alot of areas I have neglected. I think after an hour of sketching various things and inspired by various models and artists I am happy with this sketch of Madz. I hope she likes it and I hope you guys do too. One of the sketches there in the centre of the ssbbw is a reproduction of my friend Idle-minded's sketch also. Practice, Practice, Practice!

It is also my birthday next Monday. The big 33! I hope to spend time with friends an family over the weekend but I want to put out some fun pieces for celebrating my birthday with you guys soon.



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