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This comic always had a few, “WOW..HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT“ or “I’VE NEVER SEEN THAT ONE BEFORE ALOYSIUS!” and “FINISH THAT YOU LAZY BASTARD BLACK WIDOW DESERVES IT!” during livestreams on Discord during the start of the lockdown. I think I first began this back in late 2018 or early 2019. 

It sort of got buried in my Procreate filing system which is known as MISC. So upon having a free house for a few days, enjoying an amazing 4th of July party with friends. The next day, a little hungover I was browsing my old projects wondering what I could work on in silent contentment for the pleasure of my amazing Patrons who have been supporting me and backing me up during the production and release of ’Liv’in Large’. 

I got stuck into finishing the shading and developing the idea for the story dialog in my head and adding new effects I hadn’t even thought of way back when I first started this. I was always so proud of the likeness of Scarjo and I know amongst certain patrons and fans she was always a huge favorite from the last time I drew her some 6 years ago now.

You could admit I have learnt a lot since this one. I am still so proud of it!

This one was a fun concept I tried out for immobility based on the end of Avengers 1 back in 2013. During the Swarma scene. Oh the Hate and death threats I got for this. Well, concerning the anatomy, its no surprise :P

So I hope you all enjoy this new comic for ScarJo aka Black Widow stuck in the Bunker from Winter Soldier and trapped into eating a decades worth of trash food to become the most immobility human female super heroine on the planet force fed by Captain America and watched by pervy Fat Appreciator Dr. Zola. If you would like a continuation page of this idea maximising on the implied suggestion of Cap and Black Widow, give this post 50 likes and 20 comments and I shall make it so!




I must sucker for comics and this made my morning keep up the great work!!


If there is one thing I never get enough it is fat ScarJo. This is an amazing piece, the lighting and the shading is phenomenal but the skin is a bit too plastic for my taste.


Saving the world, one greasy burger at the time! Or several dozen!

Wyatt Bender

I can never get enough of fat Scarlett Johansson. I always thought she'd look better with more meat on her frame.


I am so very happy to see this, it totally made my Monday. Black Widow/Scarlett looks amazing.


I should have used more gray filters to make it match the grey color pallette of marvel films. But i kept the original palette from the first pass.


This was amazing I appreciate it greatly


pls, make another page of this


i love this comic