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Hey everyone! Just comment below with your votes! For patrons new to voting with greater vote power, you are allowed to split your votes (Ex: if you have +2 vote power you can put +1 and +1 on separate characters)

News: I have implemented a "3 strikes" rule to the Character Pool; if a character has been up for vote for a total of 3 times, they will be moved to a secondary pool (which I have not yet decided to do with) to be picked from at a later date. Their total amount is tallied by /'s, so if you see one that's going to be phased out of the character pool that might influence your pick! Just let me know if you have any questions. Cheers!

Horus (Puzzle and Dragons) //
Wrex (Mass Effect Series) /
Twitch (League of Legends)
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon (Yu-Gi-Oh!) /
White Beast Demon, Ilm (Puzzle and Dragons) //

Vote Power:
Egg: +1
Hatchling: +2
Avian: +3
Wyvern: +3



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