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Hey guys! It's that time again~. Stream will most likely be held this weekend or on Monday!

Here's the 5 randomized characters:

Lord Kass (Neopets)

Behemoth (FFX)

Firebrand (Gargoyle's Quest/Demon Quest)

Anubis (Puzzle and Dragons)

Veil (Kingdom Hearts)

Please vote on the character you'd like to see drawn in the stream! My list of patrons are small enough that I can just refer back and forth to tally up the votes but in the future I may switch to separate posts or use a message system.

If you would like to add a character for a chance for them to be drawn next stream, please check out theCharacter Pool!

Vote Power: (Reminder: This is changing for next month!)

$2 tier: No vote power

$5 tier: +1

$10 tier: +2

$20/40 tiers: +3

Thanks everyone!



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