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Hey everyone!

I might as well make a post about the new Sales Tax thing; you may have heard about it already from other creators but if not Patreon has info about it here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043191232-About-the-New-Advanced-Sales-Tax-Settings

I have adjusted my tiers accordingly and updated them to reflect how things have been lately. Right now, $2 and $5 tiers are essentially the same so feel free to adjust as necessary. I haven't been keeping up with old art packages or anything like that so I'm open to any suggestions anyone might have to replace them. I made the #Rekwehst channel on Discord to compensate a little so I can have things to pull from to draw in my down-time.

Otherwise, thank you to everyone for all of your support! I'm happy to be able to share my art with you all during these trying times ?


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