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ASMR~ Let’s Ramble {Acid, Illusion of Reality, Veganism, Cleaning Your Mind}



This was the perfect mix of Terence McKenna and George Carlin I never knew I needed! I began to wonder if you were into psychedelic and/or the Spiritual community after the awesome “Bro, Jesus was a mushroom” Easter video! I had actually just watched Joe Rogan talk about John Marco Allegro’s book on that topic before I watched that Easter video so that’s a cool synchronicity. I really like this video style too! The ASMR sprinkled throughout and at the end was very nice! And don’t feel bad about not doing ASMR all the time while you ramble! Your ramble topics are exactly on point with the what I like to think about! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, your channel is the most intellectually stimulating ASMR channel out there. I know you said you majored in English among many other things and I wouldn’t mind hearing you ramble about literature or music you like or don’t like. I don’t really have that many friends I see face to face (introverted as hell) and most of the people I like to read to listen to are older which can make it harder for me to relate to (I’m 23) so seeing someone who seems to be around my same age being as passionate about this stuff is so refreshing and reassuring! Thank you for everything you do! Peace and Love ☮️🤙🏼✨


I didn't know schizophrenia could be dormant. They never explained my condition to me, or how it came to be, because I never told them about the drugs I used to do; which I guess I have my answer now. I would love to do acid, but having schizophrenia I know it'll fuck me up. I tried cbd, which actually does give me a decent high, waking me up to the matrix with out the mind boggling thc gives me now after smoking normally & feeling normal buzzes but after trying different drugs never felt the same anymore. I'm hopeful they'll do more research of the affects of cbd with schizophrenia & the benefits it has, since thc will mess anyone with this condition up. Thanks for the video, Angelica.


I don't think it's right to group Judaism with Christianity and Islam. Judaism doesn't focus on converting people and Jews are an oppressed group (historically and presently) which places them very differently in most societies, with the exception of Israel (which is a huge can of worms I won't open in this comment).


Rabbit trails are perfectly fine as long as you keep coming back to the main point, which is what you did. 👏🏻 Don’t worry about not doing ASMR the whole time; I love your ASMR, but your rambles are even better. And I agree with you - someone just sitting down in their bedroom or wherever does feel more personal.