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Hi everyone! It’s Latte :)
It’s been a while since I last posted here. I’m sorry that I couldn’t manage patreon page well T_T.. It was the end of year and I had so many things to do and happening in my life but I always feel thankful to you in my heart :D

This photo is the background of my next video. I think I will film this tomorrow because the stuff that I orderd haven’t arrived yet. I want to give you some sort of freshness through this video for the fresh start of the new year. I hope it work well :)

Thank you so much for your support and love as always ^_^! I hope you doing well and see you in my next video! Love you all💕




Latte! It's so good to see you post again. Seeing the new background is already relaxing. I'm looking forward to the new video, and I hope you have a wonderful year ahead for you :D


Latte you lost your patreon password didn't you? Be honest! I'm just teasing... I love me some Latte


Just take your time and we know it'll be fine, just like the words you've said to us.


Latte, will you ever close up ear to ear whisper again? That closeness of your ear whispering in your older videos is unmatched. Hope you're always taking care of yourself and filling your own cup first.


Ooo spa treatment. I can feel it


고생 많으셨어요 라떼님:) Happy New Year! 새해 복 많이 받으시고 우리들도 라떼님을 사랑합니다 ♥


Don't worry about not posting regularly. Your videos are worth it. :D Maybe someday you can make another ASMR witch video where you help writers and other creatives get through their blocks. :D


Happy new Year to you too! Don't worry, everyone has a lot to do at the end of the year, so I complety understand that. Take care of yourself! :-)


Take your time, Latte!!!! I prefer quality over quantity or frequency and you ALWAYS come through with quality stuff 😘


I'm looking forward to watching the next video and discovering more of the theme. You always tie things together beautifully! 💜


ill return the favor and give you a good vibe for the new years <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYtsL9znopI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYtsL9znopI</a>


Happy New Year, Latte! I hope it goes great for you! Cheers from the a girl in the US. :)


YES! another spa treatment!! my fave!


Can't wait for the squishy wet sounds!!!!!


That's alright, you did your best! Ohhh I cant wait! ☺


I rented a townhouse in central Florida with terrible beds over the holidays. Your videos (and my sleeping pills) were the only thing that saved me from falling into insomnia.


Happy New Year, Latte!


This is a very wonderful video and thank you so much for your hard work! Right now I have an important interview in a few hours and I am very nervous so I am watching your videos to try to relax. &lt;3


You've come so far as a creator. Your simple videos are perfect enough for me but then you create these production-quality videos that really show how hard you like to work to give us the best experience possible and it's very much appreciated. And with your angel-like personality I would be honored to be able to call myself your friend Latte.


This video was straight-up cinematic. Fantastic job. Latte, you should make movies too.


Hi Latte, I get bad anxiety and your videos help me sleep,and calm down. Thank you so much!!


Dear Latte i just had to write to you to express my Delight and Congratulations on you new venture and say thankyou .... i was just strolling down the street and passed by your new Barberista the other day .... curious ? i decided to go in not quite knowing what to find ? up on entering you greeted me with your delightful smile and warm manner explaining in such a calming and healing voice ,exactly what you do so Perfectly .you then gave me a little time to decide ,but instantly i took your advice to have of course the hour long Shaving Course.it would have been rude of me to just turn around and go back out the door and well my legs were so so very tired after walking such a long way, i was feeling so thirsty and my beard and i really needed to part company.... so what was there for me to lose? indeed i had every thing to gain .....and well By Golly lol its by far and away the best decision i have made this year along with buying my new car and oh of course by also continuing to follow and support you Latte :) what a mind melting and body soothing experience !!! after having had this, its a totally smooth start to the new year for me and i feel like a new man and as fresh and clear as the ocean breeze zzzzzzz :) Thankyou for the Shavetastic and Scalptacular experience if they are real words ? oh and by the way you make a Great Cup of Tea !!! No Really joking aside. Thankyou Latte and Happy New Year to you even if its a bit late i hope you and all of us have great year and get to do the things we like , i am sure i will return to your Healing Barber Shop very often


Another classic! Really great video and props too. This time I even went and bought some Bergamot oil to get the full effect.