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Been preparing for a few changes this month, you'll see them in the upcoming updates.

This time, some errors got fixed here and there, new Special Events added till December 20th, and you get your new Cheat Codes for December. 

Cheat Codes will start with each month's name, like dec...something, so that you won't confuse them with the previous month's ones.

I made a major change regarding Cheat Codes. If someone writes an expired one, his score gets DELETED! So, make sure that the code you're writing starts with the current month's name! That happens so that non-patrons will think twice before using a pirated code.

You can download the Hungry Girls game and its updates at www.paploman.com


Bigger is better

Are you going to update the lucky wheel ?


Sorry it took me so long to provide feedback. The game is much slower now. Before I only really noticed it when I got lucky and had 3+ matches at same time but now it happens when simply feeding girls. As much as I would love bigger belly and butt the lag is a big turn off. Also when at big boob size if you match chocolates the girl jumps with big boobs then while it settles it shrinks before returning to bigger size.


Yes, I've had terrible slowdown for the last several updates, it has become unplayable. If it doesn't get better I'll have to stop funding it.