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Hey all! I know it's been a long wait, but I'm here. I'll certainly bore you with the details of my absence but suffice it to say, I have sought therapy and got closure on a lot of things that happened in 2019 (causing my downward spiral into chronic depression), As you know this lasted TWO YEARS- I lost interest in all the things I normally do (Including drawing) I kept coming back- FORCING myself to draw in this altered state because I didn't want to lose everything I worked so hard to build. I now know that was a mistake. I should have take the adequate time for myself regardless of the length and regardless of how many patrons i'd lose- instead of ignoring what was going on inside of my mind and (for a lack of a better way to put it) stringing you guys along. but things are looking much better for me now,  therapy is over and worked, and I got the closure I needed to accept the things that was tormenting my soul.

Any resentment that may be harbored towards me, I understand and deserve. I'm never above accountability.

I've got some works headed your way! Thanks so much to my friends whom are still around. I won't disappoint this time.



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