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Okay, trying something completely new here!
Attached to this post is my first attempt at a patch, this should in theory work fine when only current content need fixing and thus keeping the download size to a minimum.
However, since I've never tried this before, I can't guarantee it'll work.

If you want to try it, download the patch and follow the pretty simple instructions.
This should fix the issues with leaving Castle Warrengard and the southern Grassland Road exit making you stuck on the worldmap.
It should also add the International Edition style to Laquadia's scene with the Val'Toras/Osira and make Border Checkpoint more lively during daytime.

Please let me know in the comments below if the patch worked (or not) for you!



It seems there is no sethxzoe art when you start a new game, it is normal ?


when i create a new game, there is no option to select sethxzoe art


That's odd...and I take it you're playing the latest build and not an old version?


International Edition is selected by default, so maybe you confuse that with being unable to pick it? (Since it's already picked)