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 I'm thinking of changing my method of releasing the artworks or the rewards.

Maybe instead of you guys waiting for a month to get the reward...
I'll change it to every time I finish an artwork. I will release it right away so that you guys won't have to wait a month to get the artworks.  

like every 5 to 7 days there's a new artwork ready and available to download.  That way I can show that I'm active here in patreon. What do you guys think? any suggestions?



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IMO its fine to take time on your art and for me it feels nice to get a bunch at the end of the month to look through, like a mini present. I worry if you set up an expectation of quicker delivered artwork you may feel pressure and stress from that.


Thanks for your concern Orion and for sharing your thoughts. now that you've mentioned it. I might feel pressure. but there's also another reason why I chose to do this. It's because I don't want to feel too comfortable that I might end up slacking soon in the future. I fear that soon i'll have a mindset of this: "there's still lots of time. I'll just do it tomorrow." right now I normally finish my works within 5-7 days. the fastest would be 3 days if I'm really in the mood and inspired, and 10 days if I'm experiencing an art block or uninspired.