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Hey all, just a super quick (and boring!) update to let you know where things are at right now.  I won't be releasing a new build halfway through August. We're basically already past that point so it's going to be, like I already mentioned in the earlier art update, an end of the month update(at the latest). 

I've currently more or less finished the art/scenes and pasted them together in a way which can be played through in a very buggy/untrustworthy manner for the most part. It's still like walking through a badly furnished house though. The rooms, windows and doors are there and I can even flick on the lights. Some doors open up to a brick wall though!  Anyway, most of the stuff is still in boxes in the living room which means a good deal remains to be unpacked/done. 

I'll be plenty busy for at least another week, but it's the nicer part of development where the main structure is up and running. I usually have a vague schedule in my head of where I should be at during a certain date and things are looking good so far.

And that's already all I have to say right now! I'm keeping this short and simple so I can dive back into working on FET again.  Talk to you later!




I'm just grateful that Patreon finally re-ran my card so I could see this update, such as it is 🙃


my paypal barely works here half the time ive resubscribed like 10 times over the last week


but it seemed to work for this moment so glad for that :) good to know i havent missed a game release :)


any thoughts on adding a gallery or scene replay function to FeT? I'd love to know if i have seen all the scenes

Neil Brandon

Is it bad that I check this page every two days?


the wait is starting to hit harder