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Hello all, just letting you know I will be changing up my Patreon Tiers slightly, this affects everyone so please read!


Level 1 Tier ($5)

Will grant you access to ALL content posted within the last 1 year only. Name changed to RECENT Erotic Audios.


Gold Tier ($15)

A new tier, it will allow you to access ALL past content on my Patreon. Very highly recommended as it has over 160 audios, also scripts and artwork!


Please change up your tier if you want to be able to view all past content right here on Patreon whenever you want!

The reason for this change is because sites that steal content are technically able to swipe ALL of my content for only $5. This way, they will only have access to the past 6 months of content. It also allows you more freedom to access the content you want.

I will not be changing anything until NOVEMBER 1ST, so you still have time to enjoy all of the benefits before the change.

Thank you for all of your support, and I hope you find a tier that suits your needs!



Will miss the older content, but can understand the changes. Thanks for the great content.

Seth Richards

Quick question, Oolay. I signed up for an annual subscription. It's still good for another three months. Would I need to sign up to gold tier for the current posts?


Hello Seth, you'll still have access to everything as usual until November 1st. After that time, all content older than 1 year will be moved to the Gold Tier. You'll still be able to access everything I've made the past 1 year.