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Hey, buddies - or should we say Olympians! We're back with the reward preview for September 2023, featuring our brand new title, Jock Studio's protagonist, Ace Anderson in his own Body Pillow Art set*, featuring both a front and back side as well as multiple costume variants!

Originally promised as a backer reward on Kickstarter, the Jock Studio Body Pillow artwork will also be available here on Patreon! The Front Side will be available in the Basic ($10 USD) Tier with basic sequences, while the complete sequences and backside will be available in the Complete ($20 USD) Tier and above, so be sure and update your pledges, buddies!

That's all for this month's rewards, but don't worry - we'll be featuring the other Jock Studio Body Pillow Artworks soon, and with a poll so that you can determine which character comes next! Please stay tuned!

PS - Please note that this artwork is a digital image set and not a physical product. The physical product will be available at a later date. Additionally, if you pledged on Kickstarter and are entitled to an Ace body pillow, you will receive this digital artwork for free, so please adjust your pledge accordingly!




YES, showing Ace some love! 💙