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Hello, everyone! I am here to announce the winner of the Character Creation Contest! It was so hard to pick which one was going to make it through, but with the help of Andrew D, we have both agreed to choose the winner! We had to consider many points before we chose the character! Balance between the exsiting characters was one of the major criteria in picking the winner,as well as uniqueness of the character's personality! 

So in the end we have decided to pick Seto's Character, Aihara Shintaro, to be the newest character Camp Buddy! He has an interest in music, computers and gadgets which we find as a unique trait to his character. Aihara may have the same vibe as Hunter and Felix, the quiet-type ones which was very few among the cast of Camp Buddy.

We listed the top three favorites which made it easy for us to decide the final pick. As we've mentioned before, we had a hard time picking from our top three, the other two being Alvasia's Character, Rory Moreau and Charles Reimer's Character, Mike Murphy. I will make a little sketch of their respective characters to reward them for their really good character design! (I would love to include everyone who submitted their character but creating that much character in the story is beyond my capabilities XD) 

Thank you to everyone who have participated in the contest and for your support for this project! I love you all!




*licks his lips lustfully*


HE IS SO ADORABLE!! **HEAVY BREATHING** Congratulations to Seto, Alvasia and Charles! I really love him mikkoukun! he is so cuutee~ your style really suits him!! great job <3


Oh man. Next time


ooh nice o-o


dat smug face tho xD


Congrats Seto! Each update just makes me look forward to the game ever more~


Shintaro is most definitely a first name, guys. Unless it's a gag or something, having his first and last names swapped. I'll just leave it here.