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Happy New Years, buddies! We're sorry for the delay, but we're back with the final of the two reward previews this month, featuring a new Body Pillow Cover design for Goro Nomoru in Holiday Costume! Goro's dressed to give out presents, but you might want to be on his naughty list~

The basic sequences of the front of this reward will be available in the Basic ($10 USD) Tier, while the complete sequences of both the front and back will be available in the Complete ($20 USD) Tier and above!

You can check out the other reward preview for the month at the link below, and see the front and backside on my twitter:


That's all for this month's rewards, buddies, and they'll be sent on the 15th of January like usual! Thanks for your support, and have a wonderful New Year!




Just a naughty curiosity... is Goro’s dick longer than Aiden’s?


Goro: 10 in (Flaccid) and 10.75 in (Erect) Aiden: 7 in (Flaccid) and 8 in (Erect) All taken from the Camp buddy Journal