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Hey, buddies! We're back with the first reward preview of the month, featuring Yoichi x Hiro, who won the poll with  305 votes! Yoichi and Hiro are always bickering and competing, so all that tension has to let out somehow, especially when nobody else is around~

Since Hiro and Yoichi are being featured in double rewards this month, the basic sequences of both sets will be available in the $10 USD Basic Tier, while the complete and bonus sequences will be available in the $20 USD Complete Tier and above. Make sure and update your pledges, buddies, and as a reminder, the pledge system has changed for this month onwards, so please check out our announcement about it below:


Thanks for your support, and stay tuned for the next reward preview coming soon!




Not who I wanted to win but I do enjoy Hiro and Yoichi is nice to look at to. Can't wait for the set


Damn they look good. Can’t wait to see it all. Always excited for yoichi

