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Hey, buddies! We're back with the March 2021 Poll for this month's rewards! We made a detailed announcement about Tier Changes, as well as these rewards in a separate post, which you can check out below:


In the meantime, this month's poll features the long-anticipated Scoutmaster Body Pillow Artwork, and you can choose which one is featured this month! The winner of the poll will be featured with front and backside art this month, and all front sequences will be available in the $10 USD Basic Tier. The $20 USD Complete Tier and $40 USD Deluxe Tier will receive both front and back sequences, as well as bonus sequences. You can check out more information on these rewards in the post above!

The poll will be up until Wednesday, March 24th at 12:00 PM (EDT), so make sure and cast your vote buddies! And don't worry, if your favorite doesn't win, the 2nd and 3rd places will be going head-to-head in a second poll next month!



Aiden forever and always

Logan Leatherman

Aiden is like the hottest guy in the whole game


Yoshinori plz. He's a good boy and he needs to be tainted.


Nice to see that as of this post my boy (Aiden) is winning. Yeah all 3 will be made but I’d like it to be 1) Aiden 2) Yoshi 3) Goro 😁


Love them all was hoping for Goro but Aiden is also fine haha 😛


I was hoping for Goro, since he pulls of the Silver Daddy thing so well. But Yoshinori and Aiden are cool too!


None we just got them 😭


Naoto route please <3