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Hey, buddies! We're so sorry for the delay in these reward previews, but we're back with the final preview from December 2020, featuring Felix Clermont! Felix makes quite the present, wrapped up tight like that - he probably needs a hand to untangle all that ribbon, though~

This reward was for the December 2020 Rewards and came second in the poll with 228 Votes, so it will be featured in the $20 USD Complete Tier with Full Sequences! Please note that the billing cycle for this reward has ended, and can be accessed from the Deluxe Tier starting January 2020!

That's all for December 2020 Reward previews, but check out our Seasonal Swap Polls below, and you can expect Reward Previews for January 2020 much sooner!

Natsumi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-2021-2-46081302 

Yoichi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/january-2021-1-46081247 



Logan Leatherman

Hehe now that's a present I'd like to unwrap


Okay that’s cute


The preview was released before the full set was so it’s all good 😁


I can’t wait for this one felix is Amy favourite

Artemis LA

Felix is such a cutie! 😍 It is so nice to see art of him❣️


That's great! Felix really looks like a gift with some kind of unexpected surprise) Amazing reward!


Is this the only pose he knows??


I love this illustration! On the other side, I’m quite sad that Goro didn’t make it this month, I think he has a lot of unexploited potential. I hope that the Scoutmaster route will redeem him!