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Hey, buddies! Last month on our website, we revealed several new BLits Original Characters for our new staff members, and we've seen lots of excitement and interest in these new Staff Characters! As a result, we'll be featuring three of them in the rewards for this month, in their very own debut solo sets! 

Rex, Orlando, and Lief will be featured in this month's Patreon Rewards, and there's no loser! The winner of the poll will be featured in the Basic ($10 USD) Tier with full sequences, while both second and third place will be featured in the Complete ($20 USD) Tier and above! Make sure and choose who you want in which tier, buddies, and you can look forward to some early previews for these new characters! The poll will be up until November 13th, 2020 at 12:00 PM EDT!

P.S: After discussing with his creator, Marco will not be appearing in Patreon Rewards as of this moment. Marco is still a BLits Staff OC and will not be removed from the website or the character page, however. 



Rex, and Orlando,


lol Rex lovers like bad boys

Matt Kulisch

Hehehe, Rex kinda reminds me a Pokémon trainer in that getup. Lief is twinktastic!


Rex X Taiga X Yoichi


why are they all so hot ughhhhhh

Artemis LA

Lief is definitely my favorite of the three, but Rex (the current poll leader) is rather hot too.

Artemis LA

The trio actually reminded me of a set of starter Pokémon: Rex (fire starter), Lief (grass starter), and Orlando (water starter)


Rex is 100% my type 😏


I'm back on Patreon finally, man I missed out on a lot of new characters all of them are cute