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Hey, buddies! We're back with the first reward preview of the month, featuring the final of the body pillow series, Hunter Springfield! Hunter looks open and inviting here, almost like he's ready to be drawn. Of course, he'd be much happier if there was more than just painting going on~

This reward will be featured in the Complete ($30 USD) Tier this month with all sequences alongside all sequences of the backside and the poll winner! Be sure to update your pledges accordingly, buddies!  Stay tuned for another preview featuring Hunter's backside very soon!

P.S: These pillows are not physical rewards, and are digital images only! 




Finally! I can't wait! Thank you!


happy birthday, sweet hunter. mmh I think the birthday outfit fits very well for a small lesson in drawing. 😏

Kevin Maher

Incredible, he's my favorite!


Happy birthday wiet Hunter!!!


I love Hunter so much... THANKS !!!

Logan Leatherman

I've been waiting for a Hunter body pillow! Happy Birthday Hunter! Wish there was a way to buy the actual body pillow cases so I could legit cuddle with my adorable twinkerbell.


Why is he so spindly? It's like looking at a corpse?


Alright, I've been waiting for Hunter Springfield to come up. Gotta love him as my favorite camper boy. ^_^


So cute, Hunter last was painful. Looked forward to back one.


Good you noticed that these are not physical rewards, but digital ones. It looks amazing, bravo!


Thank god Hunter's finally getting some love


How did I MISS this one? My favorite camper and I didn't get the notification