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Hey, buddies! We're back with the June 2019 Poll Results for our Four Seasons: Summer Poll! We received a ton of votes again for this poll: 1438 total! In first place, we have Shintaro 'Seto' Aihara with 337 votes, and following closely behind him is Avan Geiserford with 275 votes! 

With these results, Seto x Natsumi will be featured in the $10 USD (Basic) Tier this month, while Avan x Natsumi and the animated Natsumi solo CG will be featured in the $30 USD Tier. Please be sure to update your pledges accordingly!

We will be previewing the rewards over the next few days, so stay tuned to see what fun these boys get involved in this Summer! 




The two I voted for 🙇🏻‍♂️❤


Yay! I can’t wait to see!

David Purss

Not a Huge win for me but both will have Natsumi so it's still a win :-P




all swimmers and base on water


My Seto winning 😆🎉🎊❤️


My cute Seto!! <3


all of them are water and swimmers so we made the right choice of . and blue is their color


To be fair they all have personal lives outside of this project. They try to do their best to keep things updated as well as make rewards. Also I would like to point out that they were busting their butts with making that huge update that we all had to download which takes a lot of time. I may not know much about the creation of games such as this but not only do they have to work with PC but now they have to work with Android. They don’t have hundreds of people working on this project. I agree that an update announcement is long over do. In a previous post they said an update announcement would be coming soon. I’m sure they just want to make sure everything is nearing completion and perfection before they make a major announcement like that.


we all look forward to the road Taiga is finished


@Mikkoukun Is there a tier I have to subscribe to to get names posted in the credits of the game whenever possible? Genuinely interested and waiting response!


Hello! Being included in the credits was possible for the original backers of the game, but is unavailable now!