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Hey, buddies! We're here with the first reward preview, featuring Yoichi Yukimura! Yoichi is looking extra sexy spread out on that pillow, and he knows it too! This is just one of the costumes he'll be sporting too - Yoichi has a camp uniform and naked view in this set!

The full frontal set, previewed here, along with all other sequences of the frontal view, will be available in the $10 USD Basic Tier this month! The additional rewards, including Yoichi's backside, and both sides of Taiga, will be available in the $30 USD Complete Tier! Please make sure and update your pledges accordingly, as well as check back for more reward previews soon!




Nobody does Purple Camo better than wolfboi 💜


Oh God !!!!Like always he is super SEXY!!!!💜 I will use it in my screen mobile 😆


Awwwww!!! I can’t wait for the body pillow attire!!!!!!!!! Might use this for wallpaper! Ah!!! He’s so handsome!!


Jesus, he's hot. He's always been my favourite. I always play his route again and again.


I screamed.


How can one purchase this as a body pillow cover? :D




I need help I download camp buddy outside but I want to update it, how to do it?


Will you put the image for sale on your website? Will we need to be a Patreon to get this body pillow art?


Hello! This piece is currently only available as digital art - we will announce later if we plan to release it as a pillow cover!


Hello! If you need an updated version, please send your Patreon ID or Purchase Receipt, depending on how you received the game, to info@blitsgames.com and we'll send you a new download link!


This image is for Patron's of the month of May, so if you pledge now it will be given in the May rewards! If not, it will be available in the Deluxe Tier here on Patreon after this month!


Mikkoukun can we have like camp buddy merchandise like posters,stickers,art books, body pillows like I wanna decorate my room with camp buddy stuff 😍🥰


Hi Mikkoukun, I have a question, if i have a patreon now... i can look the other SXs Images of other months (PD: I have a Patreon of Tier 2)


Hello! If you pledge in the $60 USD Deluxe Tier, you will receive this month's reward, as well as your choice of a past Patreon reward set!


We do plan to sell merchandise at conventions and potentially later online, we'll let everyone know when that has been decided!


I would love to have sex with him