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Hi there, Buddies! This month, we're taking a short break with Camp Buddy characters for a special voting poll featuring familiar characters from both Mikkoukun and Zael (Zamius)'s Work!

But for those who are new, The characters featured in this poll are from their previous works, Bacchikoi, Sleepover and Wet Summer! The characters in these titles feature Mikkoukun and Zael's OC!

The top two choices will be featured in this month's rewards, alongside a special character that has yet to have a solo CG!

1st place result of the poll will be featured in a special Camp Buddy themed Costume! 2nd place result will feature them in their own original theme that you know and love!

Patrons can vote for more than one pairing this month, and the poll will be open until Saturday, February 23rd, so be sure to cast your vote! 

Stay tuned for the reveal of the previews too as well as important updates! Thank you all for your support, and enjoy the poll!  



Now the link works. Long time no see, Ichiru and Tofu 😻


Why not Genji x Ichiru for change? :(


Ichiru and Toshu 😻




Daddy Genji!


It will be more interesting if the poll is really Mikkoukun x Zael work like Kano x Toshu, Genji x Aki, Dylan x Ichiru and Masaru x Lygar. but I think OTP like Ichiru x Toshu (Oh... man I want to see Toshu x Ichiru more) can't be seperate,don't you?


Dylan x Lygar please! Toshu and Ichiru had their turn, this is a chance to share more to the rest, it's a rare opportunity


I agree but I think Ichiru and Toshu are too poular not to win this especially after their cameo in the game ^^ Well I just hope it will be nice and alot of people like them so it is what it is


Come on GenjiXMasaru


Wow. Who are these guys? Another Novel artist? They're so cool! ^^


Dylan please!




Soooo hot!! *¬* Did it become a game, as well? I found ZAel's Patron page. Reeeeeally good artist!! <3


Genji, Masaru, Ichiru and Toshu are from Bacchikoi/ Bacchikoi expansion pack and Kano x Aki are from sleepover both projects from their previous group BMP (Black Monkey Pro). Dylan and Lygar aren't in any game so far


Wooooow! Cool! I'll look for BMP projects! Tks guys! ^^


Ooo, I hope the "very special character" is Rayne the musical boy who we saw during the fundraising event (in game) that we never actually got to see (outside of a chibi head) I've been waiting for him to show up since Camp Buddy was officially released! As for the Poll, definitely going to have to be Ichiru x Tofu. I know they already had a set recently, but honestly, when it comes to characters outside of camp buddy, that doesn't play a factor. For CB characters, I'm fine with keeping things balanced. But none CB characters are on their own, lol. Not going to pass up a chance for some of my favorite characters, just to keep the balance with random characters outside the game, that I don't really care about, and likely won't show up again for a long time (if ever), sorry, gotta take this chance while I have it. Also, just as an after thought, on the next poll, you should totally have Hunter's Dad, and Felix's Dad be paired up, they are the only other characters (male anyway) out side of Rayne, (who I still hope is the "very special character") who have yet to have a CG, and think it would be pretty funny to see them paired up, lol,


I completely get what you're saying, and that actually makes a lot of sense. But on the other hand, because we see them so rarely, when we do get them, I kind of want them to be together. Because there is always the question of "when's the next time were going to see these characters?" that makes me not want to split them up. If they were frequently featured on the other hand, and we knew we would likely be seeing them again soon, (or we knew there was another game featuring them coming out) then spiting them up really wouldn't matter, and would be kind of fun, because we already know we fave more of them to look forward too.


Pretty sure it's Jirou


I understand what you mean regarding the poll. They aren't random though I mean they are all OCs of Zael or Mikko. That's why I like that they bring these "random" old OCs back to give them a chance after all CB will eventually also be 5 years old and a past project like sleepover for example and I would like it if they weren't just completely cast aside and given a chance like here ^^ (that's why I also like a little bit of balance in this poll aswell xd) but that's just my wishful thinking I guess ^^ Oh and we got characters outside of CB for the second time in a february poll now so maybe they come back for next year aswell :p Anyways Ichiru x Toshu is a nice pairing so no complain if they win ^^


Random wasn’t really the best word to use, I’ll grant you that. But your point about CB also being old one day, is the exact reason I have to take these chances while I can. Looking at most of the new characters they’ve introduced, who are supposedly going to be the cast for the next game (at least they’ve hinted as much) most of them really aren’t my type. (Which is why I’m interested in when the reveal Rayne, hopefully he will be). So when they eventually move on to the next project, and all the focus goes onto the new characters, I want to make sure I have as much from the characters I liked as I can. Because when the original CB characters become the ones we only see like once a year, because they’ve moved focus to the new cast, the characters like TxI and such, will probably become even more scarce. So best to get them now.


Wish Kano and Aki had more votes :(


In one way I agree in another I don't. If most of the old OCs still had a solid fanbase that wanted to see them we would most likely get them more often (just like Toshu and Ichiru being Cameos in the game since they are the most popular). If even after years characters still manage to maintain a solid fanbase there should be no reason not to bring them back occasionally (Toshu and Ichiru are a prime example for that). Compared to every other (old) OC they are by far the two featured the most and that has also to do with them being the most popular. So in my opinion some equality between the OCs could ensure that we might see certain characters back occasionally. I mean featuring characters no one seems to like makes no sense which is why polls like these are important in my opinion.


Both the bacchikois gonna win XD


Here’s to hoping, not too familiar with the game they’re from, but Kano is definitely cute, so they’re definitely my second vote.


dylan~ my favourite character~ inchiru x toshu sure will win (but pls gif ichiru bottom tis time) i want genji x dylan but dylan x lygar is fine too~ do hope next game is around summer theme, nid avan, naoto, dylan & yuuto in action~


Hmm... think I’m gonna add a vote to Dylan x Lygar, try to get them back in second, just so the whole reward is isn’t Bacchikoi, this is supposed to be a collab right ;)


I feel bad for Kano and Aki. They needed a visual update more than anyone. Also hope that Zael's OC's can get in. They too deserve some love. :)


Kano and Aki were my first second pick, don’t know much about them, but Kano looks super cute. But decided to go for Dylan and Lygar instead, as they’re already closer, so hopefully they can get second. Would feel bad if only the characters from Bacchikoi won


fine, dylan din make it T.T pls make wet summer game next time~ nid more dylan~ ^^